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Picture of Riley that I drew ⬆️ (yes I know it looks feminine I like it) 🤣

I never believed much in miracles; I even told my brother so.

But Ms. Daisy was a blessing from heaven, and my family settled into the furnished basement of her home with ease. It really was like a mini apartment, and I noticed a shift in my mood just by being here.

We had a bed to lay our heads. Covers to keep us warm. Food to eat. Clothes to wear. And water, endless water. There was space to stretch out and move around, and a part of me felt like this would all be ripped from us. It was too good to trust.

What made it all seem real, though, was my father's reaction to having a safe, secure home for his children. I'd never really seen Papa cry until the day we moved in.

Wyatt wanted me in his room, and it was easy to see him as a brother—like we were family already. I had to admit, he did seem more interested in being around Ryan lately.

Ricky was glued to the desk with the computer and piles of books in front of him, never resisting the urge to learn something new. My younger siblings were downstairs planted in front of the TV. Dad was working his new job and I was at the piano with Ms. Daisy, learning scales and singing along.

"Something has changed within me,

Something is not the same

I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game..." I sang.

Ms. Daisy nodded. "You have a very good falsetto range, I've noticed." Her eyes were wide in surprise. "Truly, your voice is one of the best I've ever heard. You sound very mature as well. How did you learn all this?"

My cheeks reddened, ill at ease with her compliment. One of the best? I couldn't be that good. "My Mama's cassette tapes and the ladies at the Hartwell Church," I humbly replied. She grinned at me in approval.

"That's amazing. I remain ever so impressed." She played a few more notes on the piano. "So, your dad told me you've got a pretty girl coming over today."

"What? Who- Alyssa?" That was right. I'd been a bundle of nerves all afternoon just thinking about it. Alyssa planned to come to the house in a couple hours to sing with me.

"She likes you, you know," Ms. Daisy teased.

"No she doesn't," I doubted. "I'm not even sure she sees me as a friend."

"Riley." She smiled at me. "She wouldn't come over if she didn't see you as a friend, would she?"

I felt the spark of hope burning within me. "I guess you're right."

"I'm always right," she joked, making me giggle. "Listen, I was gonna wait to tell you this, but I met someone recently," she began. I gasped.

"You have a boyfriend, Ms. Daisy?"

She laughed. "No, no. Not like that." She shook a finger at me playfully and I smiled. "He's a talent scout."

"Mm, what's that?"

"That, my dear, is your golden ticket. A talent scout seeks individuals with amazing gifts, such as yourself, to share with the entire world. First, we have work to do, you and I. We're gonna work on a meaningful song then record it. I'll get him to listen to it, and in the meantime you'll be training your voice with the church choir and learning the piano. What do you say?"

I was quiet for a few moments, mulling it over. What she was saying was, this was a huge opportunity for me. And like all good things, I didn't want to trust it.

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