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Slide 1: Pic of Riley
Slide 2: Video of how I imagine his singing voice



"Riley. Hey. Wake up, sleeping beauty."

I groaned, feeling a warm hand shake my arm. "Five more minutes..."

"Get up, mister number-one-on-MyTunes."

"Mmm..." I mumbled something incoherent.

"Um, hello? Did you not hear me?"

I huffed and turned to face my offender, my eyelids shut. "What?"

"Earth to Riley. You remember Plastic Roses? Your debut single that you stressed over for months? Yeah, it hit number one on the charts."

I sat up and my eyes popped open. "No way!"

"Yes way!"

"Holy shit! Noah!"

"I know!"

We embraced as I laughed in excitement.

"You got some gifts from people for your single. The presents are downstairs."

I smiled, gripping his strong arms. "I'm speechless! I was so worried no one would like my song."

"Hey, you've got a loyal fan base and a solid management team who actually knows how to market. And you've got me."

He was a little too right about that last bit. I had him, and he was fame made flesh.

"Har har."

Noah took my hand and kissed the back of it, sending me a sultry, smoldering gaze. It worked—my heart started beating a mile a minute. "Maybe after the excitement dies down, we can have our own little celebration... just the two of us?" He offered.

I sighed, not knowing how to accept.

Noah Trevino was an A-List actor. He'd begun his acting career when he was only six years old. He'd been in countless films ever since. The latest movie he'd starred in was a dystopian film called Prophase.

It was about a world where genetics were controlled and manipulated by medical institutions, then everything went awry and super humans were formed. Over the decades, this species of super beings multiplied and the government wanted to 'correct' them, referring to them as the Misprints.

The second installment, Metaphase, was premiering in just a couple weeks, and Noah was going to take me to the movie premiere.

Ever since we'd started hanging out a year ago, there'd been a lot of buzz in celebrity news about us being together since Noah was openly bisexual. From the moment we met, he'd been flirting with me. Ryan loved to tease us and call us lovebirds.

Noah and I never publicly addressed the rumors, but I knew he liked me. I knew he wanted us to date. I was the only reason that we weren't already a couple. He was undeniably good looking, down to earth, and he supported my music. I'd seen thousands of tweets from people who would kill to have Noah's attention, so I should consider myself lucky to have it. He'd been in the spotlight almost all his life. I dare say I gained more of a following just for knowing him.

But I couldn't date him. I liked him to an extent, but it would be cruel to commit when my heart was elsewhere.

"Say yes," he sang softly. "C'mon. What have you got to lose? I just want you to enjoy an important day."

I mulled it over a moment longer. "Okay. Yes." Such a pushover.

"Yes!" He cheered, leaping up to kiss my cheek. "I'll make it worth it, I promise."

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