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"Mommy can I go play with Ash pleaseeee?" Nene said looking at me

"Is your room clean mama?" I said smiling

"Yes now can I gooo?" She said jumping up and down

"Yes but behave yourself mama" I said looking at her

Chanel opened the front door then next door to Ash's house while I followed her.

"Knock on the door baby" I said nodding my head

Chanel knocked on the door.

That's when the front door finally opened to see Asia and Ashley standing there with a smile on their faces. We met Asia and Ashley at the new daycare that Chanel is currently attending right now. The girls have been bestie westie as Chanel would say even though we only known them for a month.

"I will be back for you later, okay? Mommy got sum errands to run but I will bring back sum chick fil a back for dinner mamas" I said looking at her

"Otay mommy, I wuv you" Chanel said hugging me

"I love you more baby" I said kissing her forehead

"Byebye mommy" She said running away with Ash

"Call me if you need me Asia" I said pointing to me

"Girl I got these two now if you don't go handle yo business boo" She said smiling

"Okay, see ya later girl" I said smiling

Once I was in the house and locked the door behind me then I went back to cleaning the house so I could get to the studio in time to record these couple of songs that I have finished working on last night.

Well now I know y'all probably wanting to know what has happened between Bryson and I so after I left Arianna house then Keisha and I quickly moved everything that was important to us back into that U-Haul truck that we had in the driveway in front of our new house that we only been living in for maybe a week. Once we got everything in the truck then we went to pick up Chanel from her daycare and left that toxic fucking state.

Now Chanel and I are living in a two-story house that I found in New Jersey like you're probably saying why New Jersey? Well Keisha was looking for houses since 300 Entertainment is in New Jersey and that's who she is currently signed to right now. We were looking at houses that were in this nice, gated community and I don't know but the house that was across the street from where we were looking at caught my attention.

I completely fall in love with the whole house and I had to get it but one thing is that Bryson doesn't need to know bout it at all. This house would be only for Chanel and I if we ever needed to leave or run away. I was just thinking on how I'm supposed to buy this house without Bryson not finding out bout it. That's when I thought bout that money that my mom left behind for me when she passed away.

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