Chapter 27: Hyping Up The School Spirits

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Author's Note

This chapter is not edited even once since I don't have my laptop but was too eager to share it with you guys. So there maybe spelling and grammatical mistakes in it. I will remove this author's note once it is edited.

Angelina's POV

The basic difference between humans and robots is that humans can think for themselves and don't have to do an automated task.

But we like fools decide to do the same task again and again.

"1 2 3, 1 2 3, yes just like that!" Our cheer coach hollers.

"Take a five minute break and do the whole routine again." Coach says after we get into our final position.

Again? I think rest of the team agrees with me since everyone let's out a groan.

"I know you all are tired but the game is tommorow. This will be the last time. After that go home and get some beauty sleep." Tommorow is the first game of the football season. It's good that it's a home game.

I strech a bit first so as to not get cramps and then push my hair forward to expose my neck to the air. Raelyn, a friend from the cheer team throws me a towel so I give her a thankful look. She smiles in understanding.

Wiping my face and neck I make my way over to my bag to get my water bottle.

"I swear coach is trying to kill us." I hear Rosie say when I reach there.

"Suck it up, it's the last time anyway." Katie says rolling her eyes and then proceeds to drink from her bottle.

"You both are right." I say taking a large gulp of water from my my bottle. They both blink in confusion at first but then it strikes them. My eyes fall on the boys who are just coming out of the locker room after taking a shower. Their practice ended before ours. Five familiar heads start making their way towards us making a smile break out on my face.

"Get in the formation girls!" Coach shouts then blows her whistle. Jake mouths 'I will be right here' to me then shakes his hands as if he has pom-poms in his hand. I mock glare at him but he just winks.

When I get into my position, I notice that all the five boys are leaning against the wall beside our bags.

When the music starts I try to do everything perfectly. Even if Coach said this is the last time, she can make us do it again if she is not satisfied.

Just the last few steps...

Both hands up, then spread them and finally the last position.

"Good job! Practice over." Everyone sighs in relief. I hold both my palms up towards Jake to indicate that I will be back in ten minutes. He nods in understanding.

When I enter the locker room I am met with excited murmurs. Some are excited because they will be finally presenting what they have learnt and some are excited to see the boys play. I am a bit of both, I am excited because all that practice will be finally of some use and of course I want to see Jake in that uniform.

Soph stands on a chair she found and claps her hands to get everyone's attention. Everyone turns to listen what our captain has to say.

"This year we had old faces as well as news faces but you all did an excellent job in practice. Now perform with the same spirit on the field since the ones who don't understand the game should have something to look at." She says winking making us all laugh.

"If the boys are Stanfield Tigers then we are the tigresses. Go Stanfield tigresses!" She yells.

"Go Stanfield tigresses!" We all yell in excitement. As Soph hops down most of us make our way into the showers. I guess rest of them are going to shower at home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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