Chapter 17: New Beginnings

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Angelina's POV

Sometimes you don't know what to say even if you want to say a lot of things because you are afraid you won't be able to say the right thing.

Throughout the car ride Jacob and I exchange nervous glances. It's as if it has become more awkward between us after he apologized. Maybe we only know how to talk to each other through taunts and teasing.

When we exchange another glance he sighs. "Now this is becoming ridiculous." He says shaking his head.

"I know right." We then burst out laughing at ourselves.

"So I know I mouthed it but congratulations for making it to the team." He says after we calm down.

"Thanks but I hate to break it to you that you mouthed 'I told you'." I say playfully narrowing my eyes.

"Okay okay I said it now anyways." He says chuckling.

"Speaking of tryouts, football tryouts are on Friday right?"

"Yes, maybe you can cheer for me." He says winking at me.

"In your dreams Wilson." I say punching his shoulder playfully.

"Hey watch it! Won't want to injure the driver and cause an accident now would you?" He says grinning cheekily. I just roll my eyes at him.

"Anyways we are here." He says and I see McDonald's out of the window.

"Mc Donald's?"

"Please don't tell me you don't like it?" He pleads.

"Like it? I love it." I say removing my seatbelt.

"Don't open the door!" Before I could ask him why I can't open the door, he gets out of the car and opens the door for me.

"M'lady" He says extending his hand for me. I decide to play along and take his hand.

"Thank you kind sir." I respond.

"It's my pleasure." He is smiling now.

"Oh no the pleasure is all mine." I say then start giggling while he chuckles.

"After you." He says when we reach the door.

"Stop it now." I say shaking my head.

"Why would I stop? My mom raised a gentleman." He says cheekily.

"Who would think you are a Momma's boy." I say as he pulls out a chair for me.

"That I am and a proud one. Now tell me your order I will get it." He retorts.

"A Double Quarter Pounder meal pack please." I say smiling.

"Coming right away." He grins and then makes his way to the counter.

After he gets our orders we talk about random things when I remember we were going to discuss the pranks.

"Where did you even get the blurting random color idea?" I ask chuckling.

"I got it from Google." He says scratching the back of his head.

"Google has such childish pranks?" I ask shaking my head.

"It was not..." I just raise an eyebrow. "Okay it was a bit childish but I just wanted to annoy you!" He relents.

"That you did, you only called two times while I was with Ash and he was already irritated."

"I saw that post, you two really love each other right." He asks with a smile.

"Yeah, he has always been there for me. Mom and Dad always try to talk to us about everything but you can't talk to them about everything even if you want. As for friends they come and go but Ash has always been a constant. Everyone sees him as this over protective brother, I mean yeah he gets over protective sometimes but that's only because he doesn't want me to get hurt. And he knows when he is crossing the line. I think Dad tells him to watch out for me. If people think Ash is over protective they have not met my Dad." I realize I got so invested in the explanation that I was waving my hands. But Jacob is just watching me with a small smile. We lock eyes and his gaze is so tender...

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