Chapter 2 : The Drama Continues...

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Angelina's POV

Throughout the day I feel everyone's constant stares on me like don't they have anything better to do. But then I remember it is high school, these people live for this sh*t.

And the fact that the asshole is glaring holes in my head doesn't help that fact. He didn't relent his gaze even in our AP Calculus class. I mean, okay, you got a blow to your ego for most probably the first time in your life but seriously your education must be more important than that! By the way he acts, I can't even begin to fathom how he even ended up in an AP class on top of that Calculus. But hey, I am not the one for judging a book by its cover, 'cause I myself know better, maybe he is a closet nerd, who cares?

Anyway, I am seated in my English class. I am leaning so much back into my chair that now I am beginning to worry that I will fall down. So like the smart person I am, I sit properly. Now since I am in class, I should have work right? Well, I am supposed to do this worksheet while our teacher is doing god knows what on his phone. And even if I like reading, this worksheet bullsh*t is really boring so I am allowed to zone out right? Come on, even both the words rhyme!

Well, I have to complete this or else I would have to do it at home which I am so not okay with. But I think some people have other things on their mind as suddenly out of literally nowhere, a paper ball struck me. Some mature sh*t right here guys! I dismiss it thinking whoever it was will move on to some other poor kid. But no, whoever it is only wants to annoy me, 'cause I am struck by another one.

When I turn to glare at the offender, I am met with three identical smirks or rather boys. If you still did not get it, then one, you are slow and two, they are triplets. And did I mention that they are the most popular guys of Stanfield high?

Drake, aka the bad boy mouths "Open it." to me. Even though they are identical with little difference in eye and hair color, he still manages to look the hottest since his jaw is broader than the other two. He has dark brown eyes which almost hide his pupils and dark brown hair which he keeps in a messy look.

Don't tell me he actually thinks I am going to open it after he struck me with a paper ball!

Don't do it!

But he deserves it! I know it may not be a big deal to some people but to me it is really annoying, like can't you just wait till the class is over. And if you are so impatient, can't you just pass a note like normal people do.

But you don't want to piss off more people after today's incident.

But me being me, flip him off and get back to my worksheet. So much for that little debate with my subconscious.

Then I hear muffled laughter and a not so subtle smack. Sometimes I really wonder if our teacher is deaf and blind...

Then I get struck by another ball. Someone's really persistent.... But thankfully, before I can create another scene, the bell rings.


Currently, I am in the cafeteria eating at our table with Katie, Rosie and Ash. Our cafeteria has rectangular tables of different sizes and has every color known to man in it. In simple words, our cafeteria's colour scheme is multi-colour. Our group sits on one with six plastic chairs surrounding it - three on each side along the long edge. And guys, today's hot topic is, Is chocolate ice cream better than strawberry? I know, it's a really great topic.

"It should not even be up for discussion! Chocolate is downright the best flavor of ice cream." Asher says, glaring at Rosie.

"Oh please, have you ever even tasted the sweet goodness known as strawberry ice cream. Cause if you have, we won't even need to have this discussion." Rosie says, glaring right back at him.

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