Chapter 11

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Jimins big body loomed over the table. He stared down each and every one of his fighters as he finished laying out tonight's plans.

"I'll be in the front line." She spoke up and every other fighter in the room looked up at Elara. She was the only woman there, the smallest figure out of the big burly men, but she had every right to be there in the room with them just as they did. Elara was always willing to fight and did not want to stand back and do nothing just because of her gender. She knew very well that she was just as fast as the rest of them and just as lethal.

Jungkook, one of the largest fighters there turned to look at her. His eyes filled with determination, just as she did and nodded at her with approval.

Elara glanced at Jimin and watched him as he crossed his arms over his broad, fully weaponed chest and sighed.

"Jimin, don't start with me on this." She said out loud, pointing a finger at him. The other fighters glanced at Jimin. "You very well know you can't keep turning me away from this fight every single time. I am just as involved as all of you are. I want to fight! This is my freedom too!"

"Elara," he started but before he could continue, Elara had already cut him off. "I'm coming with you no matter what." She glared at him.

Jungkook, the mute fighter standing across from her, signed with his hands, "And I'll be right behind her."

Taehyung, who was standing next to Jimin hung his head low, ruffling his bright blonde hair. He, like the rest were probably already sick hearing this fight every single time they had a meeting like this. Namjoon was in the corner of the room, leaned back against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes were closed; not because he was sleeping, but most probably nursing back a headache from all that stuff that he had been smoking.

"Elara, no offence but have you ever thought that maybe Jimin just doesn't want worrying about you?" Taehyung spoke up and leaned his palms on the table in front of him.

"Fuck you!" Elara cursed. "I can take care of myself. And you know i'm a damn better fighter than you, Kim Taehyung."

Taehyung was ready to jump over the table to get to her, but with Jungkooks swift palm held against his chest, he bit back a curse. There was of course some truth in her words, he would never want to admit it in front of everyone else. And wanting to beat up a woman, especially Jimins woman was a bad idea. It wasn't just Jimin he had to look out for, but Jungkook would put his life on line for her if he needed to.

"Enough!" Jimin finally spoke up. "Elara. I need you for extraction and I know for sure you're best suited for the task." He then eyed the mute fighter who was staring Taehyung down, "Jungkook, will go with you."

The room suddenly turned quiet. No one saying a single word, afraid the tension in the air would lead into a fist fight.

"Namjoon, you're with me and Taehyung will take his position."

Taehyung nods and took another glance at Jimins lover. The woman was fuming but she kept quiet as Jimin gave out his orders.

"There will be people waiting for you once the extraction is complete. And once Namjoon and I have done our part, we will meet up at the promised spot. As planned."

As soon as Jimin finished, Elara stormed out of the room.

Namjoon rubbed his temples. He had been quiet all this time but only because he had a loud banging in his head. He did not want to get involved in between a lovers spat, especially after having cock-blocked his boss. But then again the bastard deserved it. He had seen Elara on the field and as small she looked, she was very capable of taking on men twice her size. For example, Exhibit A: Kim Taehyung.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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