Chapter 4

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Kim Seokjin has been has been an indispensable asset to the royal family and the royal council for as long as he could remember. Compared to the previous advisors, he started young but he proved himself worthy of his position. His intelligence and his bravery was well appreciated by King Mimas.

Thus the reason why he was the only man in the palace the king could trust and had always kept him close. Now that his beloved king is dead, he was on his own and the rise of the new king was what they had both feared. To be honest, he had his suspicions towards the queen as well. Those tears she shed at the kings deathbed were merely an act.

Deceptive and wicked, just like her son. Rhea was too naive to see, but Seokjin could see right through her. No doubt she was also the cause for the former queens' death yet there was no evidence that he found that would lead back to her.

Seokjin paced along the rosewood flooring of his office. Up, down, up, down, ratting his brain to think of an idea. Sure he was an intelligent man and he could find ways out of this situation, but the crown prince had eyes everywhere. Probably the reason why anything ill-spoken in relation to him ended up headless.

And now he had just heard the news about how Rhea had threatened to kill the king-to-be just days before his coronation. He cursed under his breath. Not only did he have to save the kingdom from the reign that was about to come; but he also had to save Princess Rhea from marrying that damned guillotine with legs. And having Rhea pulling that kind of stunt on him did not help him with his cause.

Right before his death, the king had called upon him and made him vow that he would look for his son and make him come back to claim his rightful place as the king. Seokjin had only learned about the existence of this other child just a few months before the king became gravely ill, and before he could obtain any more clues it was too late.

To be able to continue this mission however, required him to maintain his position as the King's advisor or a place in the royal council even. If the new king decided to sack him, sure he would be more able to head forth with his search mission, but he also needed access into the palace and Rhea- oh god, Rhea, he couldn't leave her here in this hell hole all alone. He needed to get her out of here.

His boots marched heavily towards his door and as he opened it revealing the crown prince on the other side. Min Yoongi was standing right in front of his doorway with his two very large and armoured guards standing behind him.

"You seem to be in a hurry somewhere, dear Advisor."

Without missing a beat, Seokjin bowed down to him placing a palm above his beating heart, "Your Majesty."

With a single nod towards his guards, they held their positions as Yoongi invited himself into Seokjins office. The man in his gold robes made his way towards Seokjin's chair and made himself comfortable, swinging his legs on top of the oak table and crossing his ankles on top of one another.

"Your Majesty," he bowed once again before he continued to speak, "It would make me feel better for you to call upon me rather than having you come down here yourself."

Yoongi leaned back into the chair and stared his advisor down. Seokjin understood very well what the crown prince was capable of, even with a single gesture. Just by the snap of his fingers he could have Seokjin on his knees and stabbed through the heart with a spear. Even so, he was not afraid of the man and he would not give him that kind of satisfaction.

"Do I need to repeat myself, Seokjin?" Yoongi said, eyes still locked onto his face.

"I was just on my way to see you, Your Majesty. Regarding the arrangements for your fathers funeral, your coronation and your wedding with the Crown Princess, Rhea of Thebe."

"Ah, yes. So much to be done. I shall be pushing the coronation to tomorrow."


"Kim Seokjin?"

"The sooner the better. I agree, Your Majesty." This was bad. They were out of time.

Yoongi smirked as the man stood in front of him. But Seokjin remained bold and undettered staring right back at those icy eyes.

"One more thing. Regrettably, I may have upset the crown princess earlier today. If you could ask her what her favourite flower is, I would appreciate that."

"Would you like me to send a bouquet from you for her highness, Your Majesty?"

Yoongi finally stood up from where he sat and headed towards the door. The damned fucker was a looker, but that smirk plastered on his face was just as ugly as ever. Ugly with ill intentions.

"That would not be necessary." Rubbing a finger under his clean shaven chin, as if he had thought hard about this, "I was thinking I were to spread it on the bedsheet the night we consummate our marriage. She would be surrounded by her favourite flowers as I fuck her into my mattress."

Seokjin's fists clenched hard. He could barely think about Rhea getting hurt.

"As my father had trusted you so very well in the past, I believe you would not disappoint me Kim. Seok. Jin."

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