Chapter 8

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[M] - Mature content

It had been a while since she woke up but the arm around her waist made it difficult for her to get up from bed. She just wanted to stay like this a little while longer and stare into the face of her beautiful lover.

Elara watched as his chest rose and fell slowly after every deep breath he took, his muscles relaxing as she trailed her hand from the middle of his broad chest down to the mark on his collarbone. Her finger traced along the tail feathers of the creature. It's wings spread wide and just above the head and its beak were some old ancient words she couldn't make out.

Not like she could read the language, but the faded mark on his skin although permanent was still so beautiful.

"You're up?" She heard his husky voice and met his eyes. He immediately reached out to caress her cheek and she could not help but lean into his touch.

"I can't help but stare at you." She said as she placed her lips on his palm and pushed him flat on his back so she could lay on top of him. Jimin grunted as they moved and she couldn't help but notice his thick arousal between his hips.

"I'm not going to apologise for being a male. That's just how the anatomy works." He groaned as he stared at her with hooded eyes.

"No need to apologise." She smirked at him, her hands smoothing down his hard abs, his hips then palming him, making him hiss at the contact. A curse escaped his lips as he surged his hips up into her hand, wanting her to do something. Anything.

Elara couldn't help but be aroused at the way he grimaced under her touch. Jimin was fearsome in the battlefield. He was powerful and determined and pretty much had everything his way when he held a weapon. In bed however, although he was obviously the dominant one; he sure as hell loved it when she took charge. She watched as he arched into her touch; his head tilted back, fighting the urge to come too soon.

She leaned in closer to his ear and whispered, "Tell me you want me, Jimin. I want to hear you say it."

"Fuck." Another curse escaped his lips, and before she knew it he had turned them over and pinned her under him. Elara let out a soft giggle and lifted her head to kiss him, only to find herself gasping when he pressed his thick arousal into her stomach.

"Say it Jimin." Undulating herself between them. Desperate and needy for him.

"I want you." He breathed hard, "I want all of you." He growled as he palmed her, not surprised that she was already so wet for him. "You're all mine." He said as he grabbed her legs and spread them wide, pushing his blunt head inside and watched as she took him all in. Her beautiful body arching under his body.

And as much as he wanted to have his way with her, all rough and animalistic; he wanted to take his time with her this particular time. He wanted to watch her unfold beneath him as he slowly and passionately made love to her.

This war was taking too much from them. Fighting meant losing lives and loved ones, sometimes to the point of even losing oneself but keeping quiet and not fighting did not mean the suffering was any different.

Elara smoothed her hands up his biceps then cradled his face. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked into her eyes.

"Don't think." She said to him. "Just stay with me." Wrapping her legs around his waist, letting him know she wanted him to continue.

Namjoon made a mental note to revisit his dealer and restock himself with more of his Hops. The last couple of rolls he had he finished in one sitting. He curled and uncurled his fists, he could physically feel nothing but it was not the actual physical pain that he was trying to numb out. The thought of actually seeing his brother again had stressed him out greatly. The last time he had met Seokjin was when they were drafting men into the military, which was around 3 years ago.

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