Chapter 5

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Remaining well hidden within the crowd, Jimin stared up at their newly announced ruler. As if the country already wasn't in the shits, Min Yoongi son of King Mimas was going to bring them all to their doom.

Like the heartless bastard that he was, he gave the people no time for mourning only to celebrate his coronation as their new king. Not like Jimin gave a damn about who sat on the throne. No matter who it was, when the time was right, Jimin and his men were going to overthrow the throne.

It had been too long just watching from the sidelines as more and more innocent people died from starvation, families losing their men to the war that still loomed over them, and young children being sold off as slaves in exchange for alms for the survival of the family.

Jimin never really knew who his real parents were. All he remembered was that he grew up a slave under the care of his mistress and her multiple partners, very often having been forced into her acts of perversion. How he escaped that life would forever be embedded at the back of his mind. The image of a younger him grabbing and hiding a fork from the dining table when no one was looking, and he hid it so well that at the moment he was told to mount his mistress, he still remembered the feeling of the adrenaline rushing in his veins as he raised the sharp object above her head and had it slammed into her beautiful porcelain-like face with blunt force. And he did not stop, could not stop only until he couldn't recognise her through all that blood pooling on her satin pillows.

He hated to think that small children like he once was, had to go through as much as he did or worse.

"Jimin." Someone had shadowed him from behind and he shook his head, willing away those memories. Turning around, he came face to face with his partner.

Namjoon was his trusty second in command. Although only slightly taller than he was, both had the same build, lean and strong but his intelligence was unmatched with anyone he had ever met.

"I might have found the person we needed." Namjoon said as he stood side by side with Jimin. He too staring up at the man in his golden robes. There was a look of distaste on his face as if he were ready to take the king down right then, right now.

"Can they be trusted?" Jimin asked as he turned to look behind the king. The queen and the crown princess stood not far behind him. The queen obviously elated at the sight of his son being cheered upon the people below him. The crown princess beside her however, was solemn as her eyes stared at the ground.

"Such sad eyes." He heard Namjoon say. He looked up at Namjoon who he found also staring at the crown princess. Of course, Jimin thought. Oh how the women would kill to be in her position right now but what they did not understand was the reality of it all. The princess was betrothed to a monster and that was a position no one would want to find themselves in.

Jimin decided it was time to go. He could not waste any more of his time here.

"Namjoon?" He looked back and saw the man still staring up at the crown princess. "Namjoon." He called again and the man broke away from his trance, turning to find that Jimin was not beside him anymore.

"I'm sorry my brother, but she is someone you simply can not have." He blatantly tells the taller guy, who responds to him with a low dissatisfied grumble. "You have so many women pining over you. I do not understand why you will have none of them but then decide you want that?" Not meaning any offence to the princess, but she was definitely someone no commoner could simply dream of having.

"Whoever I fuck or not is none of your business." Namjoon pushed passed the crowd and walked ahead of them. Jimin rolled his eyes and followed the man out of the crowd, matching his pace so that they were walking side by side.

"I will talk to our intel tonight. It seems like he is in a rush too." Namjoon informs him and Jimin replies with a hum. Aren't we all. After the news that the king had pushed forward his coronation, that had automatically forced them to rush their operation as well. "In return, he wants us to perform an extraction." Jimin paused in his steps and so did Namjoon. "Someone from inside the palace."

"That would cost him a lot." Jimin said to his second in command. He was confident with his groups set of skills but smuggling out someone from inside the palace took a lot more risk.

"He has no problem with the payment." Namjoon replied, "The mission would be highly risky but I think this is what we need to finally infiltrate the palace walls."

Jimin knew that what Namjoon just said was all true. This could finally be the breakthrough they needed. Jimin had so many people behind him and they all but eagerly and anxiously waited for his next move. It was finally time to get things into gear.

"You boys definitely took your time. I was worried you got caught up in some royal shit or something."

Both men turned to look at the person ahead of them and found a petite woman with her arms crossed under her chest. Her hips jutting out from the position she stood staring them both down although she was much smaller than them.


"Jimin was the one doing all the staring. Probably was jacking himself off in his mind."

The woman turned to look at Jimin, cocking an eyebrow at him then lowering her glance down at his hips. Namjoon held both of his palms up as he moved away, "I'm going to talk to some people. I'll get back at you whenever."

"You fucking better, Kim Namjoon." Jimin growled as the man walked off.

Without realising, Elara was already right in front of him, grabbing his collar and tugging at it as hard as she could so that he bowed down to the same level as her.

"What was this thing about you jacking off to her royal highness?" Her cold grey eyes stared him down, ready to eat him up and Jimin was more than willing to let her do anything to him.

"Elara, the truth is, Namjoon is a fucking traitor." He smirked as he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. The smaller woman did not resist him at all as he snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to his body. "The only royalty I want in my bed is you, my queen." Elara approved with a purr.

Her hair was all tied up in a messy bun and all that Jimin wanted to do was let it all down and run his fingers through her smooth blonde lockes. And maybe tug at them as he did other things to her that involved what went on down below.

As if she read his mind, she palmed the weight of his crotch and grunted as his hips surged for more, wishfully bare naked contact.

"Let's get out of here." He panted through the kisses and she nodded, hopefully having the same idea as he did.

A/N: Who the hell invented grammar? Definitely not me 🙄

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