"Wow, look who is finally out of her room," Annette said cheerfully, "Glad to see you are feeling better."

"Agreed," Mercedes says kindly, "I was starting to get worried."

"As was I," Dedue said sitting beside Dimitri, "It is important that you are mentally well before going into battle."

"Of course," Freya assured him, "It just took a few days to move past my demons."

"Glad to see you happy," Dimitri said, "I do not know what we would do without you."

They ate their meals and Freya glanced at Felix, "Would you like to spar later?"

Felix gave a nod, "So long as Sylvain is not there, fine with me. I cannot seem to stand the both of you in the same room. He is a distraction."

Freya's face went red as she recalled the last time the three of them were in the training grounds together.

"Don't remind me," Freya laughed lightly, "Later this afternoon, meet me in the training grounds. Prepare to lose."

Felix stared unfazed, "I'll believe it when I see it."

"It was nice eating with everyone, but there is something I must attend to," Freya smiled, rising from her chair.

She left for the fishing pond and sat at the edge just like before. The pond was abundant in fish today with people catching them in the bundles. It reminded her back when she was a child and how her family made trips to the lake back home. Freya hoped they were all reunited and happy. She sighed knowing there was no other choice and slowly, she was accepting the truth, no matter how hard it might be.

She met Felix in the training grounds and she caught a sword. They began to swing at each other and engaged in conversation while doing so.

"What is it that you fight for?" Felix asked her and Freya remembered this question from her past five years ago.

"Long ago, I believed I fought for those who were unable to. After everything, I can confidently say I fight for what I believe in and the future where there is peace and no war."

"How incredibly wise," Felix acknowledged as they crossed blades.

"What do you fight for?" Freya asked in return.

"I am a warrior who refuses to let my blade dull."

"What after this war?" Freya asked, "What will our fates entail?"

Felix turned his head away thinking, "Don't know. Don't care. All that matters is the fight goes on, whether it be here or elsewhere."

"You are Duke Fraldarius now," Freya said, "You are in charge of your father's territory."

"And you Lady Larkern," Felix replied, "If you leave the service of the crown, you have a long road ahead of you repairing your war ravaged lands."

Freya flinched at the mention of her territory that she inherited. Sometimes she wished her life was ordinary. There was no political stress and she would be free from everything. She could explore past Fódlan borders, face new dangers, uncover sacred treasure. Unfortunately, she knew it was her duty

"How about you call me Freya and I call you Felix?" Freya suggested, "That way, I do not sound old."

To her surprise, Felix actually chuckled, "Fair enough."

Both fighters ended their training, but Felix's words got Freya thinking. The war was surely nearing its end. What comes next? It left a foreboding feeling in Freya as she retreated to the bridge that led to the cathedral. The sun was setting and Freya rested her arms on the edge.

The sky was filled with hues of orange and yellow. If a paintbrush was used to give the sky its colours, Freya imagined each stroke bleeding seamlessly into one another. It was relaxing and a sight that she wished to look at every night.

After a while Freya retreated to her room only to wake up from a nightmare in the dead of night. She panted and exited her room needing some much needed air. This nightmare was unlike the others. Instead of the past that haunted her, she feared the future ahead of them. All her friends were killed before her eyes before Edelgard ended her own life. Freya held the front of her shirt and crept across the dormitory hallways. She knocked on Sylvain's door nervously and he opened it. Freya looked at him and he whispered back to her, "Nightmare?"

Freya gave a mute nod and let Sylvain carry her to his bed. He wrapped an arm protectively around her and she rested her head on his shoulder. His arm stroked up and down her back lulling her into a peaceful sweet.

When morning arrived, Freya opened her eyes to see Sylvain staring back at her with a tired smile.

"No nightmares?"

Freya shook her head and cocooned herself in his sheets. Sylvain made a face at her actions and the two stayed in his bed in each other's embrace. Their private moment was broken by a knock on the door.

"Wake up, Sylvain" Felix's voice spoke from the other side of the door, "Everyone is needed for a war council. If you do not show in five minutes, I will take drastic measures."

His footsteps retreated and Sylvain let out a groan. Freya rolled over and smirked, "Well, he just said Sylvain. Not Freya. So you can go and I'll be perfectly relaxed up here."

Sylvain raised his eyebrow and then he pushed her off. Freya glared at him and stood up, "What gives?"

"If I have to get up, so do you," Sylvain said, "It is my bed after all."

Freya grumbled, but returned to her room to change. When she was ready, her and Sylvain headed to meet up with everyone else marking the beginning of an infamous battle.



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