The Sealed Forest

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Part 1: White Clouds

Guardian Moon

Where the Goddess Dwells

    "The Sealed Forest is up ahead. Stay alert," Dedue warned.

    Dimitri had discovered the enemies whereabouts and Byleth went to Lady Rhea to grant permission to travel there with everyone. She was against the notion, but Byleth managed to convince her. Now they stood just on the borders conversing.

    "This is for Captain Jeralt," Ingrid said, "I will not falter."

    "It is time to repay the kindness of the professor who saved my life," Flayn said.

    "Leave it to us, Professor," Ashe told Byleth, "I'll give it my all."

    "Fighting Tomas... It will be difficult, that's for certain," Sylvain said rubbing his head.

    "We'll triumph," Freya said, "I know we will."

    "I don't really love the idea of fighting people I know..." Mercedes frowned.

    "We don't have a choice," Annette tells her, "Even if it's difficult, an enemy is an enemy. We've just got to get it over with."

    "Just kill them from behind. As long as you don't see their faces, you won't know if you know them," Felix said plainly.

    "We won't know unless we see their face... Yes I suppose that is true," Dimitri thought.

    Freya frowned at their words. Taking a life was never easy, especially when you've known that individual. Still, there was no other choice.

"I hope you know what I told you before, Professor," Dimitri said to Byleth, "Your enemy is my enemy. And I will follow you until the end, whatever that end may be."

"That's reassuring," Byleth replied.

"Yes... Right. We'll fulfill our duty together. We've come this far. We can't stop now. I hope you know that you can rely on us. Nomatter who the enemy is, we are prepared to cut them down."

Byleth nodded her head. Dimitri looked down processing his own words, "Yes... No matter who they may be..."

Did something happen? Freya wondered. Dimitri spoke to Byleth almost referring to an incident prior. It made Freya curious but she knew better than to pry into the affairs of others. They entered the Sealed Forest and Freya saw the wicked redhead in the distance. As well, demonic beasts roamed the forest as if waiting for them to arrive.

"Demonic Beasts!" Dimitri says, "The enemy was always intending to lure us here..."

"Hello, you're here," Monica greeted and laughed maniacally, "Welcome to the forest of death."

She cackled, "My name is Kronya. This weakling girl was just a borrowed look for me."

She transformed into an orange haired clown like girl wearing a revealing black outfit.

"This is what I really look like! Now you vermin... I'll take down every last one of you."

Freya rolled her eyes unfazed by the threat. She unsheathed Silverlight and looked at her classmates, "Now's the time to act. We must not let them close in on us."

Freya stepped forward launching an attack. Magic blew her back and she retaliated by killing the mage who conjured the spell. She cleared a pathway for Byleth to challenge Kronya and kept reinforcements from following. Soon, Byleth chased Kronya deeper into the forest. When the last reinforcement was killed, Freya looked at the corpses on the ground. She did not cry nor did she speak. Instead, she just looked down at them emotionless. Again, her blade dripped with fresh blood of the fallen.

Blue Fate | Fire Emblem Three Houses Fan-fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora