A Daring Escape

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Part 1: White Clouds

Harpstring Moon

The Cost of Freedom

    The plan was in motion as Freya watched the Head Guard and the keys on his belt. If their plan had any hope of working, she had to get the keys.

    "Milady," the Head Guard bowed, "What are you doing at this hour?"

    "Cease thy tone, Sadon," Freya said using the Head Guard's name, "I plan on visiting the prince one last time before the execution later today."

    "I am afraid no one is to see the prince," Sadon frowned.

    "You dare challenge my request?" Freya asked letting her tone be laced with authority.

    Sadon gulped, "Milady, Lady Cornelia has given her orders. No one is to be granted access to the prison."

    "Then you have given me no choice," Freya seethed.

    Before Sadon could react, she swiped her blade across his neck killing him instantly. She covered his mouth to mask any sounds. The life faded from his eyes and Freya stared coldly at his corpse.

    "You served your duty well," Freya said picking the keys, "However, no one escapes the Grim Reaper."

    Freya knelt down and picked up the keys and dragged the body away from the hall where other guards may stumble upon it. She brushed her hands against each other and made her way to initiate the second phase of the plan.

She met Dedue who glanced at her bloody hands.

"Do not fear," she said, "The Head Guard just got in the way. He had been disposed of."

Dedue looked at her, "The Freya I know would not take a life without regretting it."

Freya looked at him numb, "The Freya you know died the moment her blade went into her father's body."

Dedue was silent speechless by her bold statement. Freya hardened her tone, "There is no point in remaining here lest we face an army."

She walked past him bumping shoulders and continued walking. They descended down the stairs and into the prison. Just before they arrived at Dimitri's cell, Freya looked Dedue.

    "There is no turning back once this is done," Freya said cautiously, "We must make haste."

    "We must save His Highness," Dedue said, "No matter what it may take."

    Freya nodded her head, "I see."

    She donned her mask and stood in front of the delusion prince. The key went into the hole and opened the lock. She cursed at the loud sound of the prison door opening. Dimitri looked at her, "Thank you. Now we must slaughter them all for their deceit."

    "That would be unwise," Freya advised, "They outnumber us."

    "You think we're weak?" Dimitri laughed dryly, "How pitiful the Grim Reaper is afraid of death."

    Freya glared, "I am not afraid, I just do not make rash decisions. We are wasting time here. They most likely have heard us."

    Dimitri said nothing and followed. Freya saw the body of the head guard on her way up to the hallway. She noticed his lance a few feet away from him and picked it up. The long steel rod was capable of strong damage. She passed the lance to Dimitri.

    "Are you ready to fight?" She asked Dimitri, "To let you lance sink into their bodies and make them cry out for their sins?"

    Dimitri smiled, but it wasn't heartfelt. It was one full of madness and a twisted sense of justice.

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