I walked towards the back door just to find Erastus coming into the house, drying his hair with a towel, looked like he also went for a swim.

"Liz, a word?" he asked as I was about to walk past him.

"Sure," I said coming to a stop.

"Why aren't you attending the wedding? I hope it's not because I said something about the sleeping pills," he said.

"No, of course not. As I said, I am sorry." I said.

"Then why? Liz, how would you feel if I bailed on your wedding?" he asked.

"Well, I have no idea since you already attended my first wedding and there will not be a second wedding," I said smiling.

"I am serious here. Anyway, you not planning on getting married again when you find yourself another jack *ss?" he asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"No. Look, it's not like I am missing the whole wedding, just the ceremony but I will be at the reception," I said.

"Sure. That makes me feel so much better," he said sarcastically.

"Okay. Honestly, I feel like I will not know where to stand. I never thought your wedding would come, and I will not be a bridesmaid, even though I was the one that declined."

"I will be the one standing at the alter, you will be seated with everyone else. It kind of was your decision to send the dress back," he told me.

"Do not worry I will be there, just go get ready and I will do so as well," I said walking towards the ocean. Stepping in the water was relaxing that I didn't want to leave. I groaned as I walked towards the house so I could start getting ready. Jack was already dressed when I got home and that's when I realized I had to get ready if I am planning to leave with them.

I took a quick shower so I have more time to do my hair and makeup.
I put on very light makeup and red lipstick, not too bright. I was planning on having my hair in a bun but it didn't quite work out. I let it down instead and curl it at the end a bit.
I had to choose between the floral dress and the body-hugging one. I wanted to ask my brothers' opinions but I knew they were busy, so I picked the body-hugging one. It was a few inches below the knees with a slit up to my thigh. The slit wasn't that high, so it was not revealing that much. I put on my black heels. I am not that tall, so I wear high heels so they add to my height. I grabbed my gold clutch, put my phone, and lipstick inside before heading to the living room.

I found Mark in the living room with a hanging bow tie around his neck. He was looking good in his black tuxedo. I fastened his tie for him.

"Damn, you look good for someone who didn't want to attend the wedding," he said.

"I will ignore the last part and just thank you for the compliment. You don't look bad either." I said.

"Since Malea couldn't come, and Paul and Jack are groomsmen, you will be my plus one. Anybody looks at you the wrong way, I knock them out," he said.

"Oh no, we are not knocking anybody out today. It's a happy occasion. I guess being your plus one isn't a bad idea." I said and the rest of the guys walked in their navy blue tuxedos. I realized that none of their ties were fastened.

"So, none of you can fix your ties?"I asked as I fix Erastus' bow tie.

" Our wives do that." Paul shrugged.

"Except for Jack of course. I guess he just doesn't wear bow ties, since he is always single." Mark added laughing.

"All done. Can I just comment on how good you all look right now? I am speechless." I said after I helped Paul and Jack with their yellow bow ties.

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