"Ono, why don't you just fly," she called back.

"I can't fly, when someone kidnapped me he basically tore my wings apart. The feathers regrew but I have to relearn how to fly," he said while glaring at Janja the entire time.

"What? It's not my fault you were struggling the whole time," he yelled back.

"Quiet you two," Jasiri yelled in a whisper. "Janja, how much further?"

"Should be just around this corner," he whispered back. "We'll take care of 'em, come on boys." Janja and his clan rounded the corner and made way towards the two guards.

"Ono, where have you been all this time?" Kiara questioned.

"I've been here, in the Outlands. They starved me, tortured me, tried to get  information from me. Eventually I escaped and I've been sneaking in and out this volcano gathering info for the resistance ," the egret replied.

"Did you say anything?" Vitani asked. He looked down at the ground, like he was ashamed of something before answering the question.

"Only that Kion and Fuli were close," he said quietly.

"Speaking of Fuli, where is she?" Jasiri asked, not noticing the cheetah's absence earlier.

"We don't know," she wasn't kept with us. Scar had her stay behind, I don't want to imagine what he's done to her," Kiara said, wincing.

"Don't worry, if she's here, we'll find her," Nala reassured. As she finished, Janja came back around the corner.

"They won't be bothering us anytime soon, my boys will get the boulder," he replied with a confident smile.

"Kiara!" Kovu called out.

"Kovu!" She yelled in return. The two shared a loving nuzzle and embrace. The rest of the Lion Guard followed shortly after with Janja's crew.

"So, Janja is actually a good guy now?" Bunga said with his arms crossed and a skeptical expression.

"Uh...yea," Janja chuckled nervously. Bunga's eyes narrowed on the hyena as he approached, not breaking eye contact for even a second. He got face to face with Janja, who nervously chuckled.

"Cool, welcome to the team," he casually replies as he walks past him. "Hey Ono....wait, you're alive?"

"Yes, I'm right here aren't..." Bunga lunged into a bear hug, catching Ono off guard.

"How did you survive?" Beshte asked.

"Well..." he began before being cut off by Jasiri.

"There's time for that later, we need to get King Simba. Ono can you lead the?"



Kion and Afya continued walking, as they had been all day. They made small talk about animals they meet, the beautiful scenery they passed, and about each other's past.

"...and that was the time I almost fell off a cliff," Afya finished.

"You were really clumsy as a cub huh?" Kion chuckled.

"Yup. Remind me to tell you about the time when I almost burnt down our entire village."

"I will." He paused and looked over the land. The trees looked familiar to him, as did the lay of the land. Could this be...

"Everything ok Kion?" Afya asked as she came up next to him.

"Yea it's just...I think this is the Back Lands," he relied while still looking around. "It's been so long I'm not totally sure."

Kion and Fuli: Until the Pride Lands End (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now