"And I know that!" Fires back Miranda. "That's what I'm trying to figure out! If you have a healthy relationship with both your parents, then why are you like this!?"

"LIKE WHAT?!" He roared, making Miranda sink back into her seat.

His facial expression softened and he gave out and exasperated exhale when he saw her scared expression.

"You think I have anger issues don't you?" He palmed his eyes once again. When no answer came, he took it as confirmation he was right.

"I don't. I just don't like being pressured or bossed around... told what to do." He tried being cooperative. "I don't want to live up to everyone's expectations, because I know I can't. Because no matter what I do, it just isn't enough. I was idolized. By my siblings, relatives and the media. So whenever I used to commit any simple mistake, everyone would judge me. It's not easy growing up in the public's eye, so I just stopped trying to fit into everyone's expectations of me, and just live my life as a regular teenager. Making irrational decisions isn't a novice to teens. So why is it if I do it, I have issues, but if they do it, it's just part of experience gain?"

Miranda bit the inside of her cheek, studying the raw boy infront of her.

"Do you practice any sport?" She asks, despite already knowing the answer.

"Boxing." He replies, not looking at her.

"I've requested they build a gym for students who I feel have a need to blow off some steam, a few years back." She says, holding out a silver key. "Here. You now have access to it whenever you want. Just try going there in suitable hours so neither of us gets in trouble. It's on the underground floor. Our session is over."

Soren looks up at Dr. Turner, his jaw unclenching. He takes the key, nods at her, and walks out, going to his room.

Within a few minutes, he was in and out of there, changed into sport shorts and a jacket over his naked torso.

With nothing but a towel and water bottle in hand, he weaved his way through the students and to the gym.

Jogging down the stairs he looked at the small silver key in his palm, and then at the door before him.

When he went in to unlock it, he found it was already open.

Quietly, he pried open the door and peeked his head through the opening.

The sound of leather hitting against leather filled his ears, and the smell of cleaning agents and new gym equipment attacked his nose while he curiously glanced around the room.

It wasn't the biggest gym he'd seen, but it would do.

The walls were lined with mirrors while the floor was covered with grey rubber gym carpets.

Different equipment were found there, diversifying among spin bikes, treadmills, barbells and so on.

In one of the corners, a boxing ring was nestled, and surrounding it were various punching bags.

At one of these punching bags was a girl.

She was tall, skinny and had brown hair. Her body looked emaciated to a certain extent, only muscles flexed with every punch. Her pale skin glistened with her sweat as sharp exhales followed her hits.

He walked in, equally as silently closing the door. He laid his belonging on the edge of the ring, and took his jacket off as he proceeded to watch the girl who didn't seem like a stranger to boxing.

It was only when he saw her side profile, did he realize it was Mavis.

He hadn't spent enough time watching her in the past to know what the back of her head looks like.

He dropped his jacket, this time noisily. He found himself frustrated for admiring her.

Mavis paused, glancing over her shoulder.

The two locked eyes, silently pondering over the other's presence here.

It was the first time Soren payed enough attention to notice that Mavis, indeed, had two different colored eyes. One was brown the other blue.

He had only heard occasional rumors about her being a freak, but he found the abnormality rather intriguing.

She turned back to her punching bag, and said, "Gloves and wraps are in the locker near the radio," before resuming her activity.

Soren walked over to the locker mentioned and took out a pair of hand wraps and gloves of his size. He switched on the radio and flicked through the stations to the rap one that played back at his gym.

The two worked out in silence, only the music filling the void between them.

Soren warmed up by jumping rope and doing a few exercises for his wrists and shoulders before joining Mavis at the punching bags.

Soon loud hits reverberated in the lonely gym.

Mavis took her exhaustion as chance to watch the professional in his natural habitat.

His punches were consistent. They started off weak but then escalated to a point were they wouldn't stop.

One punch after the other, all having the same amount of strength behind them.

She watched his naked back.

Every indent and ridge of his muscles flexed.

It didn't take long until his melanin soaked skin became coated in a shiny layer of sweat.

He took no breaks, mercilessly harassing the poor bag. The sound of leather against leather, mixed with his timed exhales, overpowered the rap that was playing in the background.

It was mesmerizing, watching the lightness he moved in. His leg movements were swift yet gentle contrasting the killer machines which were his hands.

This went on for a solid 15 minutes. He was so engrossed in unleashing his pent up emotions, that he didn't even notice Mavis who admired him all the while.

She was impressed.

She'd only heard people talk but never seen him in action.

Yeah she saw him during his regular brawls at school, but never function in full motion.

If he did, all the boys he'd fought at school would be dead. It's true what they said. He did go easy on them all.

Finally he stopped. His breathing was heavy but he seemed relieved rather than tired.

His face relaxed as he wiped his forehead off with the back of his hand, after he had taken off the glove with his teeth.

He snuck a glance at Mavis who's eyes followed him as he climbed up the ring.

"I need a break, wanna spar?" He finally said. His voice held a note of belittling to it as he stared down at her.

"Break?" Mavis scoffed, taking him up on his proposal by mounting the ring as well.

He watched as she blew at her bangs then got into position.

"You're on."

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