15) Slowly

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Time was passing, ever so slowly. The next half term was coming up in a few days. Finally. These past weeks had gone by so slowly, they had been awful. Exams were making me stress, my parents had been called up multiple times because my grades have been slipping, I wasn't doing so well. I just had Matthew on my mind. He still hadn't called or texted, or got in touch in any way. I was beginning to worry. He didn't want me. It was all a big joke, I wasn't good enough, he had found someone else. I was still wearing my bracelet, and his t-shirt. I thought about him for every second of every day. It was as if he had died, and I had died with him. 

I had spent the past few weeks attempting to study for my upcoming exams, I was struggling more than ever. I managed to still get a B in one of my classes, but my teacher knew I could do better. I spent the majority of my time at home in my room. Ostracising myself from everyone else. I'd spend hours on end just sleeping, or speaking to my mum. We had become so close recently. She would repeatedly tell me stories of how her and my dad met, comparing it to me and Matthew. She seemed to really liked him, and convinced me that he'd have a proper excuse for not replying to me. But everytime my phone rang I jumped. Hoping it was him, it never was. I was still in love with him, I believe that I always will be. We were meant to be together, his brown floppy, gorgeous hair, slim framed body and dashing brown eyes were meant to be here with me, sharing my bed, hugging and kissing me until I fell asleep.

I had finished all of my exams, finally. It was the the final week left of school before the christmas holidays. Snow was falling, but not heavily enough to get any days off school. But I liked the last days, it was fun. We got to watch all sorts of christmas films and not have to care about much. Me and Flo were better, she said she was trying to be there for me but it was hard because she had her own problems too. I had been an awful friend, completely abandoning her. Forgetting that she had feelings for Atticus too, and she missed him just as much. Although they were texting constantly and even phoning each other at ridiculous times. It was hard keeping up with the 5 hour time difference.

The last few days of school were arriving, and the usual routine was about. School, sleep, eat, repeat. Even though I was actually struggling with all of that. I was doing so badly at school, I couldn't sleep without Matthew beside me and eating was impossible. I didn't want to eat, what if I got fat. Matthew wouldn't want me then. I felt as if I was going insane. Just as I was about to go to bed, my mum called me into the front room. I sat on the soft sofa, planning on sleeping whilst she spoke to me. My father was there too, they probably wanted to shout at me about my grades. But my mothers smile was beaming. Why? My sister came downstairs, obviously to be spoken to aswell. What was going on? Before I could think of any possibilities, my father sat me and my sister down. My mother stood in front of us, still smiling. My dad smiled too, he looked at us and said; 'We have some interesting news... Sort of a business proposition? Let me explain...'

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