18) Normality

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I stared in disbelief. Matthew, my Matthew Knight was stood infront of me. Suddenly my legs turned into jelly and I fell to the floor. Matthew picked me up and hugged me. He hugged me as if the world was ending, as if he had never hugged someone before. It was the most meaningful hug ever. I wanted to just jump on him, hug him forever and kiss him. But I needed to stick to my thoughts. He had betrayed me, forever ignoring me. Hurting me, causing me so much pain. I didn't care who was looking and who was around me, I just burst into tears and pulled away from Matthews grasp. 

'What are you doing here' I said, through sobs.

'I live here silly, you know that. The more important question is what are you doing here!' Matthew replied, wiping my tears with his thumb.

I was angry. Why was he being sweet, acting as if everythings okay? I walked into the house, grabbed a box full of my stuff and stomped into my new room. Hoping that Matthew would just go away, but I kind of wanted him to follow me too... I loved him. I heard Matthew saying hello to my mum, I heard my mum saying 'Well hello Matthew?! Go on up and see her' she sounded surprised that he was here too. Matthew bursted into my room. He pushed the box out of my hands and grabbed me, holding me close. He kissed my head and I couldn't fight any longer. I let out a deep breath and snuggled into his t-shirt, uncontrollably crying. 

'Shhh, Shhh. Stop crying' He said.

'I cant.. Look at what you've done to me' I shouted at him.

'You don't understand Cass. I love you so so much, I didn't reply to your messages as I was told not to. I would never of been able to get out of college and filming work to fly over to England. I thought it was so harsh not even texting you. But my dad, and boss told me it was for the best. My dad even cut off the internet connection so I couldn't message you. Don't you ever ever ever think I didn't love you. I just had to clear my head of you. I couldn't though, I can never stop thinking of you. Your beautiful eyes, your wonderful sense of humor. Your seductive voice and everything about you, I love you so much Cassie. Now you're here, please take me back' He said, he started tearing up. I knew this was serious.

I pulled away from his chest, looked him in the eye and noticed we both had tears rolling down our cheeks. Look at us, a pair of teens in tears. It was almost funny. I moved my smudged red lips towards his face, I kissed his chest through his t-shirt, then his neck, his jaw, his cheek and finally I let loose on his mouth. We passionately kissed for so long, we needed each other and we now realised that. I smiled after breaking apart from the kiss and so did he. 

'So, we're good?' I asked, sniffling from crying.

'Better than ever, I would never stop loving you Cassie' Said Matthew, in seriousness.

'I love you so much' I whispered under my breath.

I jumped up, re adjusted my t-shirt, that had somehow got above my neck. Stupid fumbling hands. I grabbed the box and started putting things out. Whilst me and Matthew had found eachother, the men had put in my wardrobe, chest of drawers and a bed side table, although no bed yet. I took out one of my photoframes. There was an ornate pink one, that had a photo of me and Florence in, and there was a bright orange one. This was empty, but I had planned to have a photo of Matthew in it. And now, I was definitely going to do it. I was so happy that he wasn't over me. I placed my favourite glass vase on the drawers too. As well as placing my favourite books. I placed the empty box on the floor and smiled at Matthew, who was watching me intently. We made our way downstairs, hand in hand. My mum smiled at me when we reached the kitchen. 

'I'm glad you two have made up' She said, whilst sorting through the drawers. Deciding where to put things.

'Me too' Me and Matthew said, in unison.

We walked outside to help bring the rest of the things in, and wave off the men who had helped us.


We were sat down in the middle of the front room floor, eating a ready meal. Matthew had joined us for dinner and was heading home in a few hours. The sofa's were strewn in so many different places, the tv in the middle of the kitchen and our swivel chairs at the top of the stairs. We couldn't be bothered to go and grab it all to put in the front room tonight so we just left it there. The kitchen was all moved in, everything unpacked as we had all helped. My bedroom was nearly finished too. It just needed a new mirror, a lick of paint and hell of a lot of new dvds. I totally forgot it was a new region here, so none of my old dvds will work out here! 

Matthew was still astounded at the fact we had moved out here, he said we were definitely meant to be. What were the odds of moving in across the street from him! But gosh, was I pleased. That night he helped us unpack more and headed home. I watched him carefully cross the deserted street, sort of skipping. I guess he was happy too. He knocked opened his door, stepped inside and blew me a kiss. As soon as he left my mum came to join me by the door.

'Cassie, I really do think his feelings are sincere. You can tell he really loves you. You love him too, don't you?' She said, smiling.

'I don't know mum, what even is love at my age. But yeah, I think I do' I smiled.

We shared a moment. I had never been particularly close to my mum, but we hugged and shared how happy we were to be here in Canada. It was a dream my mum had always had. She joined my father in the front room, and began to bring the furniture in. My sister was in bed in her newly furnished room. Everything was coming together. The house was pretty much fully furnished, it just needed some painting and little tlc. I was happily living in Canada, and back together with the love of my life. I could not of been happier! Suddenly my ringtone started playing, it was Matthew. I grabbed my phone, it was lovely seeing his face flash up on my phone again. After months on end of missing it. Before I could even speak he said, 'I miss you already, I love you, now go to sleep, I can see all the lights are on. You need a good night sleep, I'm coming round early tomorrow morning! Love you so much Cass, night' In a rush. He had hung up before I could reply. I said goodnight to my parents and climbed up the stairs to bed, it hit me suddenly that I was so tired out. I flicked my light out and collapsed onto my bed. I peeped out my window and noticed the back of Matthews head in his window. He must of been studying at his desk. I could see him so easily, I felt like I had to check every five seconds that this was actually happening. I was ecstatic. Everything was perfect again. That night, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Anything can happenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon