21) FaceTime

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Matthew was given his iPad early, we were awoken by his parents and they kindly decided to give it to him. I sat in the plush leather couch next to his father and watched him rip into the paper, while his mum watched his reaction. It was nice seeing him open his gift, he had plenty of presents ready for tomorrow too, but I felt as if It was our own special christmas day. Especially after recieving the gifts from him earlier as well. His face lit up when he saw the large white box with the shiny apple logo right in the middle. He ripped off another layer of thin plastic and attacked the box with such excitement he looked like a three year old. He pulled off the lid to the box and literally jumped up, hugging his parents and repeatedly saying thank you. We both now had iPads, which meant we could FaceTime. The wonderful creation of video calling from all different apple products. I used to facetime Flo... wow, she hasn't messaged me since being in Canada. It's strange, breaking apart from one person, but becoming so close to another. I decided that I must message her later. That reminded me, I hadn't heard from or seen neither Atticus or Cameron yet... I was sure they lived near Matthew. I made sure to remember to ask Matthew about them later.

We made our way to his bedroom, gifts in hand and placed them on his bed side table, in a neat pile. I sat there for a moment, admiring everything. Everything he had bought for me was out-of-this- world. I placed my shoes by the side of his bed and sat up, facing him. He was putting a few things away and sorting his room. He grabbed his ipad and gave it to me.

'You have one, I have no idea how to set it up, will you do it?!' He asked.

'Of course I will!' I said, walking over to his desk where his computer was.

I plugged everything in and set it up in no time. I even changed the background to a silly photo of me I had just taken. I loved being silly around him, he accepted me for who I was and I loved that. I handed him the iPad as he watched me intently. He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I felt as if we hadn't passionately kissed in so long, so I went for it. I took the iPad from his grip, and placed it behind me. Never taking my eyes of him. I slung my arms around his flawless neck and our lips collided together and I breathed in his minty scent. I pushed our bodies towards his bed and he placed his arms on my hips to steady me. My heart was beating, I felt as if I hadn't been intimate with him properly since England. Our hands fumbled all over each others bodies and we fell onto his bed, after nearly bouncing straight off we burst into fits of giggles. Which was shortly stopped by more kissing. His hands were wandering up and down my body, making me feel all hot and bothered. Our lips kept parting and then finding each other again, after short nibbling of lips. He planted kisses all over my face and continued down my body. Our hands were sweaty and our bodies were trembling, this was exciting and new. Matthew suddenly broke our kiss and intimate adventure and sat up. I heard the familiar sound of footsteps. We knew we had to stop, before something incredibly embarrassing happened. We looked at each other and laughed, kissing each others cheeks. It was nice how comfortable I was with him, we didn't have to sleep with each other like every other couple to feel in love. 

We had been playing on Matthews iPad for hours, downloading my favourite games, his favourite music, taking hilarious photos and videos. He found the FaceTime app and had a brilliant idea. 

'Cass, when you go home you can FaceTime me!' 

'That will be so nice! Definitely' I told him, getting up from his bed to look at his photos around his room.

'You have so many photos, they're all amazing' I said to him.

'Thanks, this is my favourite one though' He said, pointing to a small picture frame beside his computer. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was a picture of us. One of the photo's we had taken in London. He explained that as soon as he came back he needed it, to keep him from missing me too much. He was adorable. I looked at one of the larger photos, it was of him, Atticus and Cameron. It made me think about them, I really did miss them.

'Matthew, I haven't seen Atticus or Cameron is so long, where are they?' I asked him.

'Oh yeah, wow. I haven't spoken to them in a while, they're both away on a family christmas trip. Their families are so close they always go away together at this time of year. I think they're in Florida!' He told me.

I looked up at him, slightly upset because neither of us had seen them in so long, they probably didn't even know about me living here. It was as if Matthew had read my mind, he looked up and said to me 'I don't think they know you live here, but I've thought of an idea. What if we FaceTime them? They both have iPhones...'

I squealed, 'Matthew that's such a brilliant idea!' I said to him.

We sat up the iPad and typed in the numbers. It started calling, I decided to sit out of the way first, to not shock them too soon. The blue swirls whirled around and around, ringing and ringing, until finally they answered. They had obviously seen the incoming call and set their phone up. Atticus was in the back with his laptop, and Cameron was closer to the camera at the front. They both smiled and waved at Matthew! 

'HEY DUDE! We have missed you so freaking much! It's so boring here!!!! We're back just after the 26th, can't wait to see you!' Cameron said, enthusiastically.

'Hey, hows things?! Yes, can't wait to see you guys!' Matthew replied.

'Things are boring, kinda interesting, but the weathers warmer than back home so that's pretty great! How's Ontario without us? Boring, I bet.' Atticus said to Matthew.

I watched Matthew pause before he replied. He was thinking about how to do this. He turned around a looked at me, and ushered me over. I came over, timidly and sat down infront of the iPad. Their faces were immediately puzzled, and they both automatically leaned forward, staring into the screen as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Atticus stood up and screamed 'WHAT IS GOING ON.' I laughed, awkwardly. Matthew started to explain the predicament. Me moving, my dad's job, living over the street, bla bla. Their faces made tonnes of expressions, sad, happy, confused, ecstatic. It was hilarious. But in the end, after hearing us out, they were shocked, but ridiculously happy. They said as soon as they were back they would come and see me, and once Matthew had left the room to use the bathroom, they whispered to me that they are so glad that I'm back because they had never seen Matthew so upset and distant when our relationship, well, ended. They told me that they had so many plans for us all as soon as they were back. I couldn't wait! Matthew joined us again and continued chatting whilst I stared at my gorgeous charm bracelet. I smiled to myself, and wondered why on earth my life was so perfect.

I was just getting happier and happier every day recently. Life couldn't be better! I checked the time and it was 8.04. I decided I needed to head back home seeing as it was christmas tomorrow! I kissed Matthew goodbye, said adios to the boys and let my self out, after saying goodbye and merry christmas to his parents. I ran across the road, being careful not to slip on the ice and snow. I opened the door and nearly fell inside, dropping my presents. My dad looked up from his business work and smiled. The tree was already getting full of presents. I tip toed upstairs after kissing my parents good night and I popped my head into my sisters room. She was sound asleep and her full stocking was hung at the end of her bed. I smiled and walked into my room, placing my gorgeous presents from Matthew on my dressing table. I hadn't even shown anyone yet! But I was way too tired with the rush of today to care. I pulled on my oversized t-shirt and clambered into bed. I layed my head on my floral pillow and dreamt of christmas day, it was nearly here, the best day of the year.

Guys take a look at the edit I attempted, to make it look like Matthew was on facetime to Atticus/Cameron's iPhone. I tried ok!!!!!

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