16) Propositions

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My dad had finished his 'business proposition' talk with me and my sister. It went on for around an hour. I was in shock. I was so glad, but worried. I remembered that I had heard him on the phone speaking of 'company relocation' I should of thought into it, but I had Matthew on my mind. I never thought what that would mean, but now I know. I had currently put Matthew at the back of my mind. This propositon was interesting to say the least, exciting I guess. I felt as if I kind of needed to start afresh, school wasn't great. I was the 'moody girl' in school, leading people to repeatedly call me names. I'd sit in the back of the classroom, sulking. For the majority of the lessons I was in, I'd stare into space, thinking of no one other than Matthew. So I guess I was pretty glad about this 'business proposition' my dad was telling me about.

So yeah, my dad's, well Florence's dads, well Cameron's dads company. It's all being relocated. Florence is being relocated to Montreal, her dad is half french, her mum speaks it fluently too. Whereas me and my family, well, we're going to Toronto. Unbelievable, I know. I'm not quite sure where all the boys live in Toronto. But Toronto is a pretty big place. I might be able to meet Atticus and Cameron again. I'm not too sure I want to see Matthew, he's made my life a living hell. 


Over the past few days our house has been turned upside down. My dad only just got the all clear on the move, so he told us 3 days ago. He had been secretly putting things into boxes and keeping them out of the way, just in case we weren't definitely moving. But we are, we're relocating to a small town called Mount Albert. I've never heard of it, but it sounds pretty. I had started packing my things, but we had some helpers coming in, we couldn't pack our things in just under a week! The house was there, ready for us in Toronto. Off we go there, in 5 days time. 


School had officially finished for the year, well forever for me. I wasn't going back to that pompous school, atleast not in England. Me and Florence had become closer again, we were always on the phone to each other discussing the move. It would be horrible moving away from her, but atleast we would still be in the same country. However we would be over 300 miles away... at least we can skype, call, text! I was spending the first days of the christmas holidays packing. Usually I would be round Florence's watching movies. But instead, we propped up our iPads in our rooms, and facetimed. We carried on packing our things but spoke to eachother via the iPad instead. It was kinda fun, and I got to show her the wonderful things I found when I cleared out my room and vice versa.


There wasn't too much left now. The boxes were being piled onto one truck, and the pieces of furniture onto the other. We packed on the last few things and the trucks sped off. Making sure they joined the cargo ship and got to Canada on time. We walked around the bare house. Everything looked so much bigger, it was majestic almost. I was leaving so many memories behind here. I stared out at my balcony, remembering Matthew climbing up it to see me. I looked at our wall in our front room, where the television used to be. Reminiscing at watching My Babysitter's a Vampire on it, oblivious that Matthew was the star. I couldn't wait to leave this little town, but I sort of didn't want to go. I picked up my suitcase and hand luggage, and pushed it into the car. I was using my big black weekender bag. It reminded me of that wonderful six weeks with Matthew and the boys. Everything linked back to them. Suddenly I heard Florence's familiar voice. She was running up the front drive, followed by her parents. Her father's strong french accent took me by surprise. 

'I've been practicising my french! We're all ready to head off, you guys have a safe flight. I'm sure we'll meet up whilst over there' He said, directed mainly to my father.

Florence greeted me with the biggest embrace ever, we hugged for ever. We pulled away, started tearing up and hugged again. We had been bestfriends ever since I could remember, always living so close. And now, so many miles away. But we would make sure to stay in contact. Florence's family started mingling with mine until her mother realised they'd better go or they'd be late for their flight. Florence gave me another powerful hug and left. That was it. Another person I loved, leaving.

We packed the car up and took one last look at the house. The beautiful victorian house we had lived in for so many years. We each got into the car one by one. Strapping our seatbelts in, but never taking our eyes off the house. My dad shut the door, and that was it. The last time I'd be seeing that house. He jumped into the car and said 'Off we go, this is going to be one hell of an adventure'. We headed to the airport, flight 909 to Toronto. 


Waiting. It was all I ever did. Wait for phone calls, texts. But now I'm waiting for a plane. In five minutes our flight will be called. I will be sitting next to my sister for 13 hours. She's brought her portable dvd player and her My Babysitter's a Vampire dvds. But I'm not too sure I can face watching that beautiful face on the screen. I've brought my magazines and headphones. But I'm sure I'll sleep for the majority of the flight. Suddenly I heard

'Flight 909 to Toronto is now boarding, I repeat, Flight 909 to Toronto is now boarding.'

We each got out of our comfy blue chairs, grabbed our bags and headed for the plane, saying one last goodbye to the wonderful country of England.

Anything can happenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora