"Well, it's nice to see you again," Rocky smiled. "I guess Moonbin told you to come here to watch us dance?"

"Indeed he has! I'm glad you asked me to come!"

"Well... It was a vote," MJ jumped in. "Not all of us wanted you to come," he explained, staring at Rocky with a mischievous look.

"Ah? Why?" Sienna asked, pretending to not see the staring battle that was going on in front of her.

"Everyone thought it was a great idea, but someone tried to convince us to not accept you here... Isn't that right, Rocky?" MJ continued, insisting on Rocky's name. The young man fidgeted and glared at MJ who burst out laughing. "In the end, Eunwoo was so convincing, that he sighed and agreed."

Sienna smirked at Rocky, but didn't say anything. "So, are you guys going to dance now?" she asked. "I promise you, I won't make a noise. It will be as if I wasn't there," she said, looking at Rocky who rolled his eyes and walked away. MJ winked at her and followed Rocky, as Moonbin walked towards Sienna.

"You can go sit here, we'll start in a minute."

"Sure, okay!"

Sienna went to sit in a corner on the side, facing the dancers. She put her phone into silent mode, and nodded at Eunwoo who was standing next to the speakers. The young man smiled and pressed play, before taking his place. The music started, soft at first, as the six friends started to move slowly. As the rhythm started to accelerate, so did their dance. Sienna was amazed, and she couldn't help but clap when they stopped along with the music. As it started again, Eunwoo went to turn it off, while Sanha and MJ collapsed on the floor groaning. They were soon joined by Eunwoo.

"So?" Moonbin asked. "How was it?"

Sienna stood up and went to join Moonbin, Jinjin and Rocky. "It really was amazing!" she exclaimed. "I think the fans will absolutely love this!"

"Is there anything we could make better?" Jinjin asked.

Sienna pursed her lips. "Mhmm... I think it would be better if Rocky were on the left at the beginning, so at the end he is next to Sanha. And Jinjin, you would be next to MJ at the end. The eldest in the back, and the youngest in the front. See what I mean? LIke it could mean that you protect them, you let them shine, you teach them... I don't know. It's just a suggestion..."

"It would be a great idea," Jinjin smiled. "That's very inspiring. Thank you, Brooke." Sienna smiled, hiding her pride. "Okay, then. Let's try like this."

They all took their position, Eunwoo started the music, and they started dancing. It went on like that for an hour. Sienna was having a lot of fun, until she realised the time. She let them finish, and after telling the group how wonderful they had been, she excused herself and ran to the meeting room to get her things, and back to her office. Oh no, she thought. See, that's what you get for letting yourself get distracted by your friends! This better not ruin everything! Sienna slapped her forehead, plopped on her desk chair, and started working, focusing hard, and by the end of the day, she had finished everything. She let out a big breath and put the report aside. A knock on the door made her jump. "Come in!"

So Young opened the door and smiled. "Hey, Brooke! Are you ready to go?" she asked.

"Yep! Let me just clear up, and I'll join you outside."

So Young nodded and left. Sienna put the papers away, turned her computer off, grabbed her handbag, and left the office after locking the door behind her. She joined So Young who was waiting for her by her car. "Let's go!" she said. The two girls went in the car, and So Young drove to a nice little restaurant that was close to a bar. They had a nice long diner, and were done by ‪11pm‬. They had an hour left and decided to walk for a little while. They had now been friends for two months, and were getting along very well, and really liked each other. Although Sienna was happy to have a friend during those hard times in that foreign country, it scared her that this could put her friend in danger. The thing was that, everytime she got attached to someone, she couldn't help but feel that she shouldn't have, that this seemed to be like a big trap she was slowly falling into. But instead of thinking about this too seriously, she had always chased that idea away, telling herself she was crazy. Why would anyone trap her? Nobody knew who she really was here... What about back in England? No, no. Stop being crazy! She shook her head and focused on her conversation with So Young. The two young women finally went into the club. There weren't a lot of people at first, so they took that opportunity to go sit down and have drinks while waiting for more people to come in. An hour later, although they weren't drunk, they had drunk enough to go dance with strangers. So Young was getting a lot of attention, unlike Sienna, who despite her beauty, didn't receive that much attention. She was a foreigner, it made sense somehow. A few men did invite her, though. But Sienna soon got used to the idea of not being a star that evening. So Young, being the sweet friend that she was, decided to reject men, and have fun with her friends instead.

It was ‪2 o'clock‬ in the morning when the club hit its biggest number of customers. The room was very crowded, the music was loud, and Sienna and So Young were now drunk. They kept laughing for nothing, and a group had formed around the two girls, who had to leave due to the late hour. They bid goodbye and went out. Being too drunk to drive, they called a taxi, which first dropped So Young. Sienna was now alone, and she felt sleepy. But her phone starting to vibrate woke her up. It was an unknown number. She frowned, wondering who could call at this late hour, and answered.

"Hello?" She said. Silence answered. "Hello?"

"I know who you are," a rapy masculine voice said. "I know why you were sent here. The real reason, you don't know. You're not safe."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Be careful. Do not trust the people who sent you here..."

"What? Hello?" But the person had hung up the phone. Sienna looked at her phone, puzzled. What was that? What did he mean?

"We've arrived," the driver announced, making the young girl jump.

"Ah, yes, thank you," she replied. She paid the man and got out of the car.

As she was approaching the entry of the hotel, she felt like someone was watching her. She looked around, and suddenly spotted a shape near the hotel. She narrowed her eyes, unsure, and as she saw the shape moving, close to the light, she noticed a shiny object in its hand : a gun. Sienna's heart started beating fast, and fear twisted her stomach. She knew that going to the hotel right now wasn't safe. She had no other option than turning around and leaving quickly. She didn't run at first, so that the person wouldn't think she was running away from it, and chase her. However, she heard footsteps behind her. She walked faster, and turned a corner. There, she took off her heels and started running as fast as she could, while thinking of a place to hide, where she could be safe. One idea only, but it was madness. Still, she kept running in that direction. Sweat was starting to bead at her forehead, and she was breathless. There was 3km separating the place she wanted to go to, to her hotel. So far, she had probably ran 1km. She risked a glance behind her, and noticed the shape running behind her. She was exhausted, and scared, and the alcohol made everything harder.

She recognised a street she knew too well. She wasn't far. A gunshot made her jump and scream. She didn't feel anything : he had missed. She was so close! Only a few meters. She looked behind her and noticed the shape was far. She turned right and kept running until she arrived in front of a large door. She started banging on it, and yelling names. "Moonbin!! Rocky!! Eunwoo!! Please!! Open the door!!" But there was no response. And the footsteps were getting closer. She felt desperate. She was sweating, she could hardly breath, her feet were bleeding, and her hair was a mess. She kept banging and banging until she saw a light turning on at a window. Finally! They had heard! She didn't stop the banging and yelling though. Finally she heard the door unlocking. She glanced behind her : the man was right behind her. He stopped. Aimed. Shot. And ran away. The door opened. Sienna locked eyes with Rocky. And collapsed.

Until Death do us Part (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now