Meeting Luke (District Two, Part Two)

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Luke's POV

'Luke. Luke! LUKE!!!! Get your arse off that bed right now.' Luci screamed at me. Sometimes I think she is my mother's twin.

'Luci, calm down it's only half six.'

'Yeah but we have to go get food and train. Idiot.'

'But MUMMY!!!!' I whined.

'Sorry to break it to you Luke but I'm not your mother.' She put on her Darth Vader voice, 'Luke, Luke I'm your father, Luke.' I grabbed her and pulled her down onto the bed with me. I fell on top of her and was so tempted to kiss her but I didn’t want anything to be weird between us.

Luci has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. Yeah so so long I can't remember. We have been through everything together. Heartbreak, Death, losing family, and all the rest. We have been there for each other. We both lost our parents in a crash two years ago and have had to look after ourselves and my little brother Simon ever since. We coped with it and with the help of the others in the town we got through all of this. The mayor is Luci's uncle so he gave us a house in the upper area of District two. Even though we are in a career district and all children must go to the Academy the mayor let us all go from the loss. Some of the shops in District two have also taken Luci and me on for some jobs. That is how we make money.

'Luke, Let me up. We have to go wake up Simon.'

'But I love you. Stay here with me.' I whispered hardly enough for me to hear.


'I love you.' I said a little louder.

'Luke, you can't be serious. As a sister or…'


'Me too.' She whispered and I barley caught it.

I still was lying on top of her and it was now just awkward. I rolled off and onto the side of the bed with her on my left. I reached for hand and she didn’t retract it. We laid there for a while. Until seven when I left because she had fallen asleep. She looked so at peace but I left to wake up Simon my twelve year old bother. He is such a pain. He was only ten when Mum and Dad passed away so he still doesn't really get it at all but now he thinks that Luci and I are his parents.

'Simon, time to wake up bro.' I said from the doorway.

'Dad!!' He said as he leapt up. 'I'm scared Dad.'

'I know bro, but I was as well. It's your first reaping after all.  But don't worry Luci and I are here for you and sorry to say it we aren't going anywhere. Now let's get you dressed and around to Uncle's. Hey?

'YAY!!! Uncle's.'

I put Simon into the bath and he washed himself down while I packed his backpack with his suit. He put on his shorts and blue shirt and ate breakfast while I woke Luci up again.

'Luci, Wake up hon.'

'Luke. Have you woken up Simon? And did you just call me hon?' She questioned.

'Yeah so what if I did? Like you would care.'

'So what if I did?'

'Well you didn't so have a shower and get dressed while I cook you some French toast. Simon is having his fruit at the moment.'


I walked out with her and she went into her room while I went and started on breakfast. I heated the frying pan and stared cooking the French toast. The Smell wafted through the house.

'Hm that smells good.' Luci said.

We sat and ate breakfast then walked Simon to the Mayor's where Luci's aunt will look after him so we can train. We went to our usual place by the bank of the river and did our hand to hand combat and my spear targeting. We ended doing more hand to hand combat and as usual I got her up against a tree and she did something other than beg for me to let her go she leant forward and kissed me. I let my guard down for one second to kiss her back and she put me in an arm lock.

'Oh God you do not know how long I have wanted to kiss you but rule one hon. don’t ever let your guard down.'

'Wait you've wanted to kiss me?'

'Yeah ever since the crash my feelings have been growing for you but I didn’t know if you felt the same way. The rumours going around school were that we were married and had adopted a child and were living together. That really made me keep my feelings to myself but this morning hearing you say you love me was one of the sweetest things and I then knew you felt the same way. I thought that someone must have told you at school because everyone knew so you were flirting with me around the house to make me feel weird then at a party I'd say I love you and it would just get awkward and….' I stopped her there by putting a finger over her lips then I got out of the arm lock and put my arm around her waist and leaned forward into a kiss.

After god knows how long we broke away. Walked home arm in arm and went and had a shower from our training. After the long refreshing shower everything came clear to me. I was in love with Luci and she was in love with me. I walked out to make lunch with just my boxers on and then called Luci out. She came in just in her shorts and shirt with a towel around her head.

'Oh god can you at least put some clothes on? I haven’t left yet.'

'Fine then but answer me one question.'


'Will you be my girlfriend?'


Sorry for ending it now but I don’t want heaps and heaps of long chapters and I thought you all needed a cliff-hanger.

Oh and you won't always be getting updates everyday but I have just gotten over a two week writers block so am in a frenzy for this story but it will stop soon if I don't have more characters. So for those who read and don't have a character made. Part Two will be up later.

Shame on You.

If you sneezed while reading this. Bless You.


(^ . ^)

( v v ) Happy Bunnies!!!!

Peace out.



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