Meeting Nathan (District Nine, Part Two)

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Nathan's POV

'Nate? NATE?' Elica said sing-songy attempting to wake me up.

'Elica. Don't tell me Grady let you in.' I complained turning over away from her attempting to hide my blush that had spread up my cheeks thinking of her in my room.

'Yep and now you are getting up.' She said as she whipped the covers off me and her cold hand touched my back.

'No!' I screamed pulling my pillow over my head.

'Fine. No food for you then. Mum made pancakes but I'll have to eat yours.' She said getting up off my bed and walking towards the door slowly as though to tempt me.

'NO! My Pancakes!' I screamed jumping off the bed and running towards the door.

'God Nate.' She said shielding her eyes. 'Some clothes might be nice before you scare the whole of the District.' I looked down to see I was only in my boxers. I grabbed a pair of shorts off my chest of drawers and a shirt and slipped them on.

'You can stare now.' I said to Elica. She removed her hands and smirked at me.

'You are such and idiot.' She said punching my arm.

We walked out together and sat down at the table. Mum was making Pancakes in the kitchen and Grady was reading the paper at the kitchen bench. I went up and took the paper out of his hands.

'Whoa Bro. Crazy Night?' He mockingly said.


'Your sex hair says all.' He whispered in my ear.

I walked off not in the mood for his jokes today. Elica was reading the paper when I came back into the dining room. I sat down next to her and she didn't move a muscle. She was used to me. Mum brought in four plates and the pancakes. She placed them on the table. I went to grab one.

'NATHAN MATTHEW DENTEAL! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THOSE PANCAKES YET!' Mum screeched from the kitchen. I brought my hand back and placed it on my lap. I heard giggling I glanced to my left to see Elica hiding behind the paper. I slapped her thigh and she looked at me. I smirked at her just as Mum walked back through the door connecting the kitchen to the dining room.

'So for sides you have maple syrup, ice-cream, cream, strawberries, blueberries and icing sugar, take your pick. Ladies first boys, Elica?'

'No the boys may go first the will kill me if they don't get their food this instant.' She said placing down the paper. Grady scrambled to get the best food before me but unlucky for him I am always better.

Once we had all finished eating I got dressed, properly Elica and I went for a walk around the town.

'What did Grady say to you to get you so angry earlier?' Elica asked me.

'Nothing.' I said brushing off the subject.

'Nathan Matthew Denteal. I have been your best friend for years, twelve years to be precise. I know that it was nothing. What was it?'

'Elica Camryn Sarvel. Do not bring out the middle name card. Yes we have been best friends forever but it was nothing.' She grabbed my hand.

'It was something. I know it Nate. You can't hide everything from me. I will get it out of you eventually.' she whispered up against my ear her lips just touching it.

I held onto her hand as we walked along the river. I glanced over to the area of District Nine that was effected by the plague. Elica and I weren't effected because we had money for the cure sadly some of our friends did not. We continued down the river still holding hands when we saw the area that was effected by the fire.

As we walked through the damaged area the heat was still radiating off the rubble from the fire. Elica moved closer to me trying to feel safer. She has a phobia of Fire known as Pyrophobia. She has ever since her mother died in the fire. My Mum has been a mother to the both of us since that happened. We came to Elica's old house and she started crying. I can't blame her this is where her mother died. The fire had been a while ago but time doesn't heal the pain caused by well losing someone you love.

'Can we go Nate? I can't stand this today.' She said holding back her tears for long enough.

'No problem.' I wiped the tears falling down her cheeks. 'It’s okay. Come on think about it. You have still had a mum after this. My mum. You have been a daughter to her since we became friends and yet you still feel incomplete.'

'I never…' I placed my fingers against her lips to silence her.

'Grady, Mum and I have been there for you. Treated you as one of the family. You should never be like this. Some kids don't have anyone to care for them at all anymore, after the fire or the plague but you have. You shouldn't be crying you should be glad. I love…' I kissed her forehead blocking out the rest of my sentence. I immediately regretted even thinking that let alone wanting to put it into words.

'I never said I was incomplete.'

'No but I can tell. I have known you for twelve years.' She smiled. Only slightly but still a smile to say the least.

'I know that I should be grateful that I have people who care for me but she gave birth to me Nate, I just can’t forget her like that.'

'No you can't but I hate, hate, HATE seeing you this upset. It's my fault you are like this I took you on this walk and I know you get upset when we walk past here but…' She put her fingers over my lips to silence me.

'Nate, it isn't your fault as much as it is mine. I always walk past here with you, willingly. You can't always just blame yourself. I need to get over this teary stage because well I can’t stay like this forever. Like an emotional wreck.' She said.

'Hey, 'I started cupping her cheeks in my hands wiping away the tears. 'you can keep feeling this way for a few more weeks at least. Time can’t heal wounds left by your mothers death. But care can.'

'Earlier, You said "I Love" but you never finished that sentence. What were you gonna say?'

'Nothing.' I mumbled.

'Nathan Matthew Denteal. You have to tell me either what Grady said to you or what was at the end of "I Love". If you choose the one I least want to hear I'll answer one of your questions you have. I mean any question you have.' She leant down and picked up a rock. 'Left is "I love" and right is Grady. Which hand is the stone in?'

'Right.' I said.

'Okay so what did Grady say?'

'He said and I quote. "Whoa Bro, Crazy Night?" I answered with "What?" and then he whispered in my ear. "Your sex hair says it all."' Elica burst out into laughter.

'He mistook your bed hair for sex hair?' I blushed and nodded slightly. 'Oh god that is good. That has cheered me up and that was sooooo worth it. But now I have to answer anyone of your questions.'

Hm, what to ask?

'Okay so, I already know so much about you but, I want you to finish the "I Love" sentence as well how you think I'm going to end mine.'

'Uh, Um okay I Love Nathan Matthew Denteal.' she blurted out.

'Is that I love me or you love me?' I questioned inquisitively.

'I love you Nathan. I have for three years. But you also love you so I can't tell what your going to say.'

'I love you.' I said to her.

'WHAT? Since when?'

'Same. About three years. I have been scared to say anything in case of rejection. I just never know.' Then she did something I wouldn't have susspected.

She kissed me. 

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