Meeting Elica (District Nine, Part Three)

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Elica's POV = The day before the reaping.

'Hello. Is anyone home?' I said walking into my house which as usual was abandoned of any sign of Dad or my brother, Jace.

I walked through into my room and dropped onto the bed. Sinking my head into my pillow I sighed.

'What the hell am I going to do?' I yelled through the empty room. My voice echoed through the empty house.

Tomorrow was the reaping and I was waiting for Dad and Jace to come home before watching the announcement of the special rules for the one hundredth Hunger Games. Exactly one month from today is the anniversary of my mother's death. In the ninety sixth Hunger Games one of the previous victors name was drawn out. They Capitol didn't care that their rules were that if you won you couldn't get drawn out again. So he went into the games. Three days into the games he was killed by a Capitol Muttation. District Nine then got so annoyed they started an uprising in the District. That resulted in the Capitol launching a plague on the District and setting fire to half of it.

I laid in bed think what could have changed that day that would have saved my mum.

Flashback = Universal POV

'Sadness has fallen across District Nine and all of Panem with the sudden death of Liam Hathaway. My heart goes to his family. I am Caesar Flickerman and goodnight.'

The Panem symbol showed and the big screen closed itself up. Straight away the members of the District started moving out of the square and dispersing into their little villages and towns. Elica, Jace and their parents made their way to the Victors Village while her best friend Nathan and his brother, Grady and Mum made their way to the opposite edge of town.

Elica sat on her bed thinking about Liam's family and how they must be coping.

'Elica. Come quick.' Elica's Mum yelled from the kitchen where she was watching the Television. Elica ran out of her room and into the kitchen and sat next to her Mum on the kitchen bench opposite the TV.

'One District of Panem is in epidemic after the death of ex-Victor Liam Hathaway today in the arena. We go live to Mike in the District.' The lady on the TV said from her news desk.

'Yes, District Nine's Justice building is in ruins only minutes after the District dispersed from the square and Liam's death was announced. Here is one of the destroyers now. Sir what are you doing?'

'Starting an uprising against this stupid government who makes innocent kids die every year for fun.' With that the man ran off.

'Well you heard it first folks. An Uprising is starting in District Nine. This is Mike Numbness reporting live from District Nine back to the studio.'

'Thanks Mike now for some good news. The parrots at the zoo in the Capitol are now breeding again. So in three months some baby parrots will be flying around the zoo. That's all for this news update, goodnight.' The Panem symbol came on the screen before Elica's Mum turned the TV off.

'Mum, what does it mean?' Elica asked.

'Sweetie, we're going to have to be very careful for the net few days. The Capitol are going to come and try and make sure the uprising that everyone is planning doesn't happen. So if me or Dad tell you to run away with Jace  you must do what we say. Understand?' Elica nodded her head. 'Good now go get some sleep. We might have to wake up early tomorrow.'

Elica did as she was told and walked into her room and got changed into her pyjamas and got into bed. A few minutes later she fell into a deep sleep.


'Hovercrafts One, Two, Five and Nine launched sir. Over.' Gerald said back to President Willson.

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