Camp Half-Blood's Tributes (Part One)

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Look so this was meant to be one chapter but it was getting too long so I split it into two. Enjoy.


Clarisse's POV

'My Dear Citizens of Panem, I expect you are wondering what the theme for the Quarter Quell is. Well It is that the two Districts made up of two islands off the coast of The mainland will be joining the games, It was when the Capitol bombed District 13 these two now islands broke off and drifted away from the mainland. I went and visited them a while ago and they seemed as technological advanced as us. There will be aloud ten people to survive this year because I am feeling generous so there will be a high chance of survival. The reaping does will begin tomorrow at 2pm. You must all attend and anyone over twelve and fewer than eighteen must be there. That is all. Goodnight Panem.' And the TV turned itself off.

'Ok is anyone else wondering what the hell that was and why it interrupted our view of dad's fight?' The whole of Ares' table roared in anger. Hm that's my siblings. Then Stupid Mr. D. interrupted us in the middle of our protests.

'Ok clam down Ares cabin. Ok so you will all be wondering what exactly is going on. So as President Snow said we have been made a part of the annual Hunger Games. As for those of you who didn't understand we are not our own country we are just an island off the coast of the mainland called Panem. We are known to ourselves as the USA but to Panem we are District fifteen. So the Hunger Games was made in a pact towards never having an uprising again. As he said we were connected to the mainland but was disconnected as District Thirteen was bombed along with District fourteen. So tomorrow the Hunters of Artemis will arrive and do the reaping with us. Any Questions?'

The whole Ares' table was in uproar yet again. Until Percy came and silenced the crowd.

'Look we shouldn't be angry at this.' He said giving me a death stare. 'We should be glad we can show off our skills to the rest of the world.' For some reason we all agreed even though he didn't have and charm speak skills he managed to persuade us.

We settled down more as Dad's fighting match came back on screen. Just then Rachel Elizabeth Dare aka. Our Oracle stood up and started glowing green. Yes another quest.

"Four of you will travel together

One will die to a form of weather

Another will go to a trusted hand

The two left to trek across land

The two left will work together

Kill some people, beat the weather

One will die, the other succeed

To find exactly what they really need

The winner will return but have to go back

Just make sure your skills don't go slack

They won't be victorious after all

To see their loved ones take the fall"

Wow. Whoever gets and wins will die anyway. Wow depressing much. So we all headed off to bed not knowing what tomorrow would bring.

Annabeth's POV

So I woke up the next morning to see that the Hunters had already arrived. I went to see Thalia when I noticed she wasn't with the group. Then I noticed the door to Zeus' cabin opened and inch. I peeked in to see Thalia praying to her father. I knocked on the door and she looked up at me, ran over and gave me a hug. We talked and Percy came in. I walked over to give him a hug when Thalia bet me to it. We went to have breakfast and get some training in before the "Reaping". Nico turned up at about quarter to two when it was started to be broadcast to Mount Olympus. Chiron started the reaping with a very nervous look on his face.

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