Chapter 3 - Quidditch Incidents

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„What do you mean, we can't trust him?" asked Casandra in confusion. She wasn't quite sure whether her husband was in a clear state of mind or if he was kind of hallucinating due to his wound. "When I went up to the third floor to protect the Philosopher's stone, I caught Quirrell! And ahh—" Snape stopped as Casandra patched him up and cleaned his wound. "Sorry, love. I've got to do this. Go on" whispered Casandra, brushing Snape's forehead with a soft kiss. Snape panted and looked deep in Casandra's eyes, reaching out for her face and stroked it. "Casandra love, you wanted to tell me something about Quirrell. What did you witness?" asked Snape exhaustedly. Casandra grabbed her husband's hand and kissed it. "When I finished my class this morning, I went down to the Great Hall for Lunch. Suddenly, I heard a voice coming out of Quirrell's office. I hid myself and spied on him. Severus, he was talking to himself. So strange. He mumbled something like 'Master, I'll do it tonight' or stuff like that" explained Casandra worriedly and looked at her husband. Snape let out a deep sigh. "I don't trust him. He hides something, and I guess he's after the stone!" "But why? Why would he be after it?" asked Casandra unbelievingly. Snape tried to sit up, contorted with pain. "I don't know but I'll find it out, believe me!" panted Snape. Casandra touched his shoulders in order to make him lay down again. "Love, first of all you need some rest. Your leg will hurt for some time...Try to sleep. If anything's wrong, I'm right beside you" she said and kissed Snape tenderly.

Some days had passed by and it was time for the first Quidditch match of the season. Like Snape, Casandra had never been a huge fan of Quidditch. However, she knew how cunning and ambitious her husband was and that he desired nothing more than to beat Gryffindor on that day – especially since Harry was Gryffindor's new seeker. Therefore, she decided to accompany him to the match. When they were about to leave the Great Hall, Snape stopped dead next to Harry. He forced himself to smile and Casandra looked at him in confusion, trying her best to carry it off well. "Good luck Potter" said Snape stiffly with his fake smile. Casandra pulled his arm to prevent him from doing something he would regret afterwards – well, he obviously wouldn't even if he said something wrong. Yet, Casandra butted in "Good luck Harry. I bet you'll be doing fine! My husband and I are enemies at the match today. So, go Gryffindor!" said Casandra, winking at Harry trying to cheer him up. "Is Audrey coming to the match, too?" asked Hermione hopefully. "No, she stays with Madam Pomfrey" smiled Casandra and saw Hermione's disappointment. "You can play with her tomorrow, if you like. Come on, let's go now, Severus. Harry needs some time with his friends. We'll see you later" stated Casandra, waving at the trio. Snape's face remained stony.

They took a seat on the same balcony as Quirrell who sat behind them

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They took a seat on the same balcony as Quirrell who sat behind them. The match was on and Snape was definitely into it. Casandra knew that he was just keen to triumph over Gryffindor, as he wanted to win the house cup and Quidditch cup again. After a while, Casandra noticed something strange. Harry's broom was moving in almost every direction. This couldn't be. Harry was a very good flyer, and this didn't look as if it was coming from him. Someone was cursing his broomstick. "Severus, look! Harry's broom!" whispered Casandra in Snape's ear. "I know" hissed Snape "I need to concentrate and murmur the counter curse, or he'll fall off his broom!" Suddenly, there was the smell of fire and it was near. Casandra looked around, just as someone shook Snape's shoulder and cried "fire, you're on fire!"

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