Chapter 30 - Kick-offs and Brush-offs

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Although thunderstruck by Moody's magical eye being stuck on her, she hurried to the staff table and fell into a chair next to Snape. Her gaze wandered over to Webster and Beverly who were still chatting happily. Casandra helped herself with more wine, feeling the bitter and sour taste of it running down her throat. At least it helped to distract her a bit – not for long, though. Dumbledore had just announced that the Triwizard Tournament would be taking place at Hogwarts this year – which was followed by loads of 'uhhhs' and 'ahhhhs' – when he turned around and pointed at Mr Crouch, Mr Bagman and Beverly who were all sitting next to each other. Mr Crouch stood up, made his way to the front and said a few words about the tournament. He then pointed at Beverly again and waved her over to him.

"Miss Beverly Brooks, from the department of magical education, will now say a few words regarding the tournament and your time at this school." Beverly stood up and grinned broadly, obviously feeling extra important now. Whispering amongst the girls became audible. Beverly, however, ignored it. When she had placed herself right in front of the students, her grinning intensified. "Good evening to all of you!" she paused and looked around, trying to address each and every student in the Great Hall. Casandra mentally rolled her eyes. "As a member of the department of magical education, and therefore representative of the Ministry of Magic itself, I'm more than delighted to inform you about the educational background and the information you seek to know – what about your classes and exams?" "As if anyone of them would care about that. Well, maybe Hermione." said Casandra under her breath to Snape. He had to suppress a snort.

The 'best' was yet to come, though. When Beverly had told them that the Hogwarts champion would not have to take the exams at the end of the year and would also be excused in many of his classes (champions duties), her voice left the cheerful not and turned into a stern announcement voice. She spoke like a true politician. "Nevertheless, the champion will have to show his or her determination and interest that they will revise anyway and will catch up on what they have missed. Even though the Ministry of Magic has a different view on how to... ehem handle the education of young witches and wizards, Hogwarts school and the Ministry have agreed on this. Moreover, extra work will and must be necessary and no champion is allowed to familiarise him- or herself with neither the advanced defence of the dark arts nor with the ... ehem dark arts as a subject for theoretical background knowledge. We the Ministry of Mag—" "—Thank you, Miss Brooks. I think you've made your point of view clear." smiled Dumbledore at her, although his blue eyes weren't twinkling with gratitude or sympathy. The corners of Beverly's mouth twitched and formed a swift and cold smile. She couldn't be serious? Had she really just spoken against Dumbledore in the name of the Ministry? In front of the whole school? She used to be the kind of person who hated people like that. Her longing for admiration and a distinguished career seemed to have swamped her brain, making her blind. She went back to her seat with her nose slightly up. When she had sat down, she turned to Webster and kissed him, followed by gasps and whispers from the girls in the Great Hall. "Ugh, guess what'll be in the next issue of Witch Weekly?" spatted Casandra, rolling her eyes at the sight of them. Snape turned to her. To Casandra's surprise her flashed a smile at her. "Please don't tell me that you're actually still reading this rubbish of paper." he said softly. "Oh, no, no. No, of course not. Well, I used to...when I was a student..." "I know." he whispered with a soft smile on his lips, eying her closely.

Dumbledore sent the students off to bed and then turned around to face the staff. "I invite you all to join me and our guests from the Ministry to join me for a nightcap. Madam Rosmerta was so kind to provide some drinks for us in the staffroom. Casandra felt uncomfortable. She wasn't really looking forward to spending an evening with Moody, Beverly and Webster in one room. As though Snape had yet again read her mind, he said "Don't worry. I'm with you. Besides, I don't think that you'll be the only target for Moody tonight."

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