Chapter 2 - Halloween

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As the end of October approached and Halloween came nearer, Casandra noticed that the students were excited for the annual Halloween feast. Audrey was beside herself with excitement. She asked Casandra almost every day whether she could attend Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party. "No, darling. I'm really sorry but you're too young. There will be more Deathday Parties. Next year will be his 500Deathday, maybe we'll go together, ok? You can join us for dinner though, darling" suggested Casandra hopefully. Audrey, however, didn't want to accept that and had another tantrum.

Casandra had just finished her lesson and made her way down towards the dungeons, when she passed Professor Quirrell's office. Out of the blue, something caught Casandra's attention. There were no students left in the room, but Professor Quirrell was talking to someone. To whom though? Immediately, Casandra stopped dead. Slowly, she moved closer to the open door and hid herself behind the wall. She tried her best to stay unnoticed as she looked around the corner. "I know Master. I'll do my best. I promise. Please. I'm going to do it tonight" whispered Quirrell desperately. Yet, he was indeed alone in the room. So, to whom was he talking to? 

Suddenly, someone grabbed Casandra's shoulder and she jumped in shock. "Blimey, Poppy. You almost gave me a heart attack!" panted Casandra, touching her chest. "I am sorry, Casandra. I didn't know you were ... erm yes, what were you doing?" asked Madam Pomfrey puzzled. "Oh nothing. Never mind. What is it, Poppy?" Madam Pomfrey raised an eyebrow, looked from the open room to Casandra and shook her head slightly. "Well, I just wanted to ask you when I should put Audrey to bed? You and Severus were planning on staying longer at the feast, I assume?" "Oh yes yes. Thanks Poppy. She can stay like 30-45 minutes with us. Is that fine with you?" "Absolutely. You know I really like Audrey and spending time with her" stated Madam Pomfrey with a smile on her face. "Lovely" smiled Casandra. She knew that she wouldn't get another chance to listen to Quirrell, so she decided to go to Lunch and banish the thought of what she's just heard.

— — —

As she got ready for the feast, Casandra left her flowing mane open and dressed in a long black dress. She regarded herself in the mirror. "You look fabulous" stated a deep voice from behind her. Casandra turned around, finding Snape leaning at the wall. He was staring at her, and his eyes were filled with adoration and lust.

Slowly, he moved closer, grabbed his wife's waist and hugged her to himself

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Slowly, he moved closer, grabbed his wife's waist and hugged her to himself. "You are so beautiful, my love" said Snape and pressed his lips on Casandra's. Tenderly, he gained access to her mouth with his tongue. Eventually, swirling his around hers. One hand wandered to Casandra's bum and gave her a bottom smack. This made Casandra jerk a little, whilst she started to giggle. Casandra stroked Snape's head and pulled his hair softly. Snape heaved a quiet moan and Casandra felt something hard pressing against her lower stomach. "Not here and now" whispered Casandra "Audrey can burst in anytime". Whereupon Snape let out a disappointed sigh. And Casandra was right. They were still snogging tenderly, when the door burst open and Audrey jumped into the room. At the sight of her kissing parents, Audrey smacked her hands on her eyes, shielding them from the view. "Yuck!" cried Audrey. Casandra almost jumped. "Audrey love" she panted. "Oh Audrey dear," commented Snape coolly, turning to his daughter but still holding his wife "No need to express your disgust. Daddy just gave your beautiful mother a kiss".

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