50; I Like Me Better

Start from the beginning

"Here she is." Luciana walked back in. "Meet your goddaughter."

"Oh my goodness," Sasha gently grabbed Lanuola. "Luci, she's beautiful. Her smile, oh my gosh."

"Thank you," Luciana sat down. "She's already a handful though."

"Wow, she has Joe's smile." Paige commented.

"How have you've been mama?" Brie asked her.

"I've been... Alright, just really tired." She replied. "It's been a little hectic."

"What's up?" Nikki urged on.

She shook her head and yawned. "It's just Roman and me. We're having a hard time trying to balance everything out, between his schedule and mine, the workouts, keeping the house clean, and taking care of Lanuola."

"You guys are happy though right?"

"Yeah we are, it just seems like I'm playing housewife all the time and he doesn't understand I have a career too." Luciana explained. "Like I don't want to have to ask my own husband if he can help around the house or with the baby."

"Does he think your his maid or something?" Brie rolled her eyes. "There's that obligation to help out, you shouldn't have to tell him."

"Why don't you guys have-

The door opened and in walked Roman.

"Good, you guys are here." Roman said. "I need you four to watch Lanuola for a little while."

"Why?" Luciana spoke up.

"Because we are going out." Roman stated. "We'll be back soon, come one babe."

"We know how to take care of a baby." Brie assured her. "She'll be fine, I promise."

Luciana hesitantly stood up and said bye to her baby, still skeptical about everything.

"Where are we going?" She asked him.

He opened the car door. "Just trust me."


"Roman," She said. "Where are we going?"

The elevator door opened and Roman grabbed her hand. "On an adventure."

The pair walked out and onto a rooftop where a helicopter stayed.

"Mr. and Mrs. Reigns, I'll be your pilot for this evening. Please come onboard."

"You know I appreciate you right?" Roman told Luciana while the helicopter took off.

She looked over at him. "I hope you do."

He gently cupped her face and kissed her. "You brought our child into the world, I appreciate you baby."

"Can you understand I care about my career too?" She asked.

"Yes I know you do, and so do I. We're still figuring out how we're gonna do this with Lanuola. I don't want to not be in her life and on the road all the time." Roman rubbed her thigh.

"I understand, but I would also like help without asking for it." Luciana said.

"Yes, I'm gonna work on helping you out more. I promise." Roman nodded.

"Thank you." She smiled and kissed his cheek.

Roman let out a sigh and grinned back. "I like me better when I'm with you."

i knew from the first time, i'd stay for a long time cause
i like me better when
i like better when i'm with you


❤️: 6 mil 💬: 820,881@lucianareignsxxwwe: this man aye dios mio

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❤️: 6 mil 💬: 820,881
@lucianareignsxxwwe: this man aye dios mio


❤️: 5

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❤️: 5.7 mil 💬: 699,123
@wweromanreigns: love watching her get ready 👅😍

to be continued

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