1. And So it Begins

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"Annabeth, I'm bored," Percy whined.

Annabeth sighed, looking up from her book. "Well what do you want to do then, Percy?"

"I don't know! You're the smart one!" Percy whined, stuffing his face in Annabeth's lap.

This was the usual behavior from Annabeth's boyfriend, so she was used to it. "Reyna, Jason, Hazel, and Frank are here. Why don't you go hang out with them?" She suggested.

"But I don't know what to do with them!" Percy whined.

Annabeth sighed. "Okay, let's to find everyone, and we can talk about what to do," She offered.

"Yay!" Percy said. "I like that idea."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, but couldn't help a smile from spreading across her face. "Okay, you go find the Romans, I'll get Leo, Piper, Nico, and Will. If they even want to play at all," Annabeth said.

Percy nodded and was about to run out of his cabin, when Annabeth called out, "Wait! Why don't we just Iris message them?"

Percy smiled, "Great idea!" Percy walked over to his fountain, tossed a coin in, and began, "Oh Iris, goddess of rainbows, please accept my offering. Show me Jason Grace."

The fountain shimmered, and in image of Jason Grace talking to Reyna popped up. Jason looked up at the Iris message and frowned. "Percy? You know I'm at Camp Half-Blood, right? You don't need to Iris message me," He said.

"Yeah, I know," Percy shrugged, "But this is quicker. I was wondering if you and Reyna would want to come to my cabin to play a game with Annabeth and a bunch of other demigods."

Jason and Reyna looked at each other. "What's the game?" They asked nervously.

"Still don't know. We were going to figure it out when everyone else gets here," Percy said.

Jason shrugged, "Why not. We'll be there soon. Want me to bring Hazel, Frank, and Piper with."

"If it's not too hard, sure," Percy said.

"Great! We'll be right there!" Jason said. He swiped his hand through the Iris message, ending it.

A few minutes later, Annabeth has Iris messaged everyone she needed to, and Percy and Annabeth were sitting on the floor waiting for the others. The first to arrive were Reyna, Jason, Frank, and Hazel, all looking confused, but curious. The next was Leo who wore a giant grin on his face. After him was Nico and Will who were holding hands, Nico giving everyone suspicious looks, his eyes darting around.

The very last to arrive was Piper, who wore a large satchel that was packed with something. Percy decided he'd find out what it was later.

"So... what do you guys want to play?" Percy asked.

"Truth or dare?" Frank offered.

"Nah," Percy said.

"Would you rather?" Will offered.

"Lame," Percy yawned. Will looked hurt by that.

"I know!" Piper said, butting in quickly. She looked down at her satchel, patting it. "I actually came prepared."

Annabeth raised her eyebrows. "Prepared? Prepared with what?"

Piper opened up the bag, then emptied it's contents onto the ground. It was a bunch of different, small, clear, little bottles full of liquid, each one's liquid a different color. They were screwed shut with small corks. "Um, what are those?" Hazel pointed at the bottles.

"Potions," Piper smiled.

Leo frowned. "Where the heck did you get your hands on potions?" His frown then turned to a smile. "Because I need to know."

"The Hecate cabin," Piper said, her eyes sparkling.

"They just... gave them to you?" Reyna asked, a bit confused.

"Well, not exactly. All that matters is I know what to play!" She said.

"Can we stop saying 'play?' It makes us sound like a bunch of little kids at a playdate," Nico grumbled.

"Well that's what we'll be doing," Piper insisted, "Playing a game!"

"And how exactly do we play this game?" Frank asked, leaning forward.

"Well, I basically asked the Hecate cabin to give me a bunch of, um, random potions. There's one for each of us. And we all drink one and see what it does!"

"Um, are you sure this is safe?" Will frowned, worry in his sky blue eyes.

"Oh, totally, don't worry," Piper grinned, "They're completely harmless."

"Well what if we choose not to drink a potion?" Reyna raised her eyebrow.

"Then you'll be classified as a first class wimp," Piper smiled. She thought for a moment, "Oh! And I'll charmspeak you to do something embarrassing in front of the entire camp! But again, it won't hurt you or anything."

Everyone sighed, admitting defeat. A chorus of people grumbling, "Fine," went throughout the room.

"Yay!" Piper grinned. She stood up and handed a potion to each of the demigods, uncapping a gold one for herself. "Okay, on three, we all drink them."

Everyone nodded, their uncapped bottles pressed against their lips.

"Okay, one... two... three!" Piper said. Everyone closed their eyes, the chugged down the liquid in their bottles in one big gulp. Immediately, the potions began to take effect.

The thing is, Piper knew what the potion was going to do. She knew what it was going to do to every one of the demigods specifically. And she saved a special one for herself. She had charmspeaked the Hecate cabin to give her each specific one, actually. She's been preparing this for awhile now.

Annabeth would turn into a girly girl that could only speak in giggles and Piper's "bff."

Percy would become her servant willing to do whatever she says on spot. To be honest, he was more specially becoming a body guard to her.

Jason would become madly in love with her, which was important since they'd been pretty rocky lately. She didn't want their romance to end.

Leo would become a mindless servant ready to follow her every command.

Reyna would be willing to be the person Piper takes her anger out on when she was angry. Piper never liked Reyna anyways.

Frank became the same as Percy, basically Piper's private bodyguard.

Piper decided she wanted to just have some fun with the next few demigods.

She turned Will and Nico basically into each other. Will would be all dark and slightly creepy, and Nico would be bright and constantly happy.

Then she turned Hazel basically evil. Maniacally, villain level evil. She would be Piper's right hand woman, but still do whatever Piper said.

And lastly, Piper, who was given a very powerful power.

Okay, so that escalated quickly. Also, I haven't proofread this yet, but I plan on doing it soon, so ignore any grammar or spelling errors (which I apologize for). But I'll read through soon! I just wanted to get this published! I hope you liked chapter one!

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