Chapter 12 ➛Bad Dreams

Start from the beginning

I watched him suspiciously as my eyes prickled and he sighed as he leaned back as we kept eye contact. ''Stop playing nice,'' I whispered dangerously as I glared at him and waited for his expression to harden. It didn't.

''Just so you're aware. I do not approve of the methods the Ministry is using. I do not think you're dangerous,'' he said as he watched me with a soft, curious gaze.

''You know nothing about me,'' I growled as I balled my fists, and endured the searing pain in my body. His lips curled up into a grin. ''Whatever you might believe, not everyone within the ministry is an arse,'' he said as he took a small step closer to me.

He shook his head as he watched the wound. ''She's cruel. Everyone knows it,'' he said as he slightly tilted his head to the side, softly touching the red, irritated skin on his cheek. ''She treats everyone like trash. Yet, no one dares to deny her.''

My suspicion about this man didn't lessen, I still thought it was some trick. ''You're only a child,'' he mumbled to himself as he looked into my eyes.

My eyes flared with anger as I stared back at him. ''I'm not. If you're really such a Mr.Nice Guy, then let me go,'' I said to him as I slowly felt a little energy returning to me.

He sighed and looked into my eyes intently. ''I might. But, I would like something in return,'' he said softly as his gaze remained trained on me. I looked at him tiredly and waited for him to continue. ''If you give me the location of Grindelwald's lair, you shall go free,'' he said. He said it quickly, daring a curt glance at the door.

I looked at him and we had a short moment of eye contact before I opened my mouth and I croaked, ''Burn in hell.''

I swallowed loudly as he straightened, looking down at me and taking his wand. ''Just tell me. Please. I don't want to do this,'' he whispered as he looked down at me sadly. ''Or I don't tell you and you won't do it?'' I tried with a glare as we locked eyes.

But then he looked away and his wand pointed at me, and the pain started all over again.

Grindelwald's P.O.V (Third Person)

The Ministry was crowded for some reason. Something was happening. It made him uncomfortable, but he had only one task in mind and nothing could distract him from it.

He and his companions dispersed immediately as not to draw attention to themselves. Grindelwald went down to where they were keeping you, while the rest were keeping an eye on the situation.

He was striding through the corridors, ignoring the glances people gave him. He was confident that he would be marching out with you by his side.

He took an elevator with several other people, blending in, keeping a straight face as it brought him to where he needed to be.

Adrenaline was raging inside of him, but he managed to keep a normal expression and posture. He was used to this, to the hiding amongst normal, ignorant people. But now the stakes were higher he found himself having trouble not to stand out.

When the elevator stopped at the floor he needed to be on, it was empty and he was grateful for that. However, the anger he was feeling at your kidnapping had started bubbling up now, and whoever was in that room with you, would pay for it.

As he rushed through the hall, he switched glances between both sides, watching the doors pass.

Until suddenly, he was standing in front of it. The room in which they held you captive.

His brow furrowed in anger as he tried the handle and found it locked.

He took his wand and blasted it open with a single spell. A man stood in the room, his wand out, pointed at you.

A Living Shadow ➣Gellert Grindelwald X Reader!DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now