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Thought I would be nice and update woo! So it's a cliffhanger as well! Comment what you think is gonna happen I will be interested in your thoughts and please comment, share and vote! Thanks
*Maddie's Pov*

We have been at the beach for four hours now. The sun is still beating down and I am sweating from how hot I am, although only dressed in a bikini. I refuse to go back in the sea, not after what happened. Jessie is now sat going through her Literacy homework while Nat and Tris try to aid her, sat as a little threesome, they all look perfect together. James is currently chasing Abby around in the sea after she smashed his face with ice cream, it was quite hilarious. They are so cute, so perfect, so carefree. Brad was sat next to me although he hasn't said a word to me since we left the hotel, to be honest he hasn't said a word to anyone. I know I will have to tell him about everything that happened but I just don't want to. I want to forget about it. I mean my dad and Jimmy who was basically an uncle to me, got so caught up in this illeagal activity it cost them their lives. I dont understand how they would risk their lives to save someone else, to save me. Why didn't they just protect them selves? I would have. I know that's selfish and I know that my dad would probably say he would rather die then live in a world that didn't have me in it. But he would move on, if I were to die. Everyone has to at some point. Take me for example, my dad's death it hit me hard but I am moving on, I am living my life like I knew he would want me to. I don't even know how I can miss him, I didn't really know the real him. How can you miss someone you don't know? I'm trying so hard to forget all of this, they both died because of me. But wait..... it was their own fault. They got involved with the gang or whatever it was. They chose to risk everything. They chose to risk me. Urgh. I need to stop thinking about this.
Lena throws her self down next to me and releases a deep breath, shes glaring at something. So I follow her gaze and I am met with Connor and Molly chatting and laughing. Im so glad she is making an effort, and so is everyone else. Everyone was worried and wary of her when she first come this morning but now they are relaxed around her. Which I'm glad about, everyone deserves another chance. Dont they?

'What's wrong Lena?'
'They has been like that all day. It makes me nervous. What if.... what if he wants her?' she doesnt remove her glare from them. And if looks could kill Molly would have been dead.
'Lena, chill out okay. Its probably nothing. He is just being nice. Give them a break'
'Your probably right' she finally looks away and lays down. And now I found my self staring, they have been like that for four hours straight, it is weird. They just met and Connor has barely said two words to anyone not even Lena. I look back to Lena and she looks sad 'Everything is okay. Dont worry' she just nods before plugging her music in and shutting her eyes. I guess she is just scared that Molly will steal someone else from her. I get it. I really do. I would be worried to.

'Mhmm?' he doesnt even look at me. That stings
'I will explain everthing tomorrow,We can come for a walk and I will tell you everything. I'm still just trying to understand everything thats happened, okay?'
'Okay, you know Im just worried right? I just care, I want you to let me in, to tell me things but your not. your hiding things and I know you wouldn't tell me me if I didn't find the package. It hurts that you don't tell me'
'I know' its all I could say.

-Four Hours Later-

'Guys we should go, Its late and we have been here all day' James shouts out to all of us that are now all laid beside one another. Connor and Molly however have kept their distance and now I feel even more worried. I look at Nat and she is fidgeting and suddenly I remembered I had told myself to speak to her about whats wrong. Mental note made.
'I agree, lets pack up. We go for dinner then hang out' I suggest and everyone seems to nod and start packing up

Everyone had begun walking. Molly and Connor enter first, James Abby Lena walked in together and then Brad and Tris. I was walking with Nat. As we gained distance between us and the others, I stopped her and pulled her to the side

'Mads what are you doing?'
'What are you hiding Nat?'
Her breaths hitches and she releases a sigh before replying 'Nothing'
'Dont lie to me' I say firmly, so she understands I am fully serious
She releases another breath and continues to stare anywhere but at me

'Nat, your my family right?' she nods 'well please tell me whats wrong? what are you hiding? I can help you with whatever it is you may need you know that. And you now I cant help if you dont tell me what is wrong. Come on you know if you keep it bottled up it will eat away at you until once day you snap. I dont want to see you snap. So please let me help you. I can help.'
I wait for a moment and she finally opens her mouth 'Mads, something is so worng. I've fucked up.... I think......'
I had nothing, I just stood with my mouth agape not sure what to say or feel.

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