Chapter 57

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We are coming close to the end! Not long now thank ugly got all the amazing support so fat and please continue it Till the end, you my lovelies are wonderful thank you

*Brad's POV*

I was waiting anxiously for Maddie to return. My whole body was shaking with fear and anger, It was today that Maddie went for another scan and it was today that I was unable to go and therefore resulting in my anger. I had called everyone we could think of to ask them to watch the twins and cover at work but they all had prior engagements, there was nothing I could do. Now the fear, I was terrified in case something happened or something went wrong. I wasn't there like I usually was and that is something that left me uneasy.

I had been watching the kids all day and they had finally gone to sleep. Them being 1 and a half now, they were reluctant to sleep at all, but after an hour of rocking and singing they were sound asleep.I thought back to this morning how the twins had woken us up so early, earlier than usual for them, Maddie had woken up and told me she would go and take care of them as I had bathed and put them to bed the evening before.

2 hours later and Maddie still hadn't returned to bed so I got to help her, with whom I'm assuming was Lexi being difficult. However, when entering the twins room I was pleasantly surprised to see Maddie sat in the big comfortable sofa chair with her arms full of two sleeping babies, she had her head rested back and was asleep lent back into the chair. It was something so beautiful and natural, something I loved to see. my family, my wife and my children. I may only be 20 but the truth is Maddie is my whole world and those children make my world even more complete.

I don't want to go out and party or drink until I forget my name, I want to spend my time making money to help support our children, our family and spend every moment I possibly can treasuring them. I know I don't need to work, we are basically set for life with the money left by her father but it is something I want to teach my children, to teach them morals and make them understand that you have to work for what you want and get.

I hear the door shut which is followed by my beautiful wife calling my name. I stand instantly and meet her in the hallway, her eyes are puffy and it appears shes been crying. She looks tired but I can see she's happy, in her eyes they sparkle

'Baby, you okay? How was the scan?' I approach her carefully reaching my arms out to hold her to me but she shakes her head which makes me come to a stop

'God. I hate you' her tone is playful but the words still sting, I scrunch my face up in confusion

'Whats happened? Why do you hate me?Is this because I couldn't go to the scan, baby you know I wanted to, I tried to-' I am cut of by Maddie huffing and searching through her bag, I see her pull something out but I can't quite tell what it is yet

'Bradley this is not about you not coming to the scan. This is you. god. You so jinxed us. One more baby, just one more you begged and begged and promised' she continues for another minute and I am completely lost, she passed the card to my hand and when I open it I see it's the picture from the scan, my eyes instantly water at the image

'Well Bradley there are our babies' she speaks softly with a laugh at the end

'Babies? No way' i speak from disbelief the tear rolling down my cheeks. A wide smile makes its way on to my face as I look at the image, to my wife's bump and then finally to my wife

'I know, we are having twins again. lord help us'

I have no words so I do the first thing that comes to mind I wrap my arms around her, holding her tightly. I was so happy but god how will we cope. Another two babies. Two more children.

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