Jessie's birthday

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Please read the A/N
Finally today was the day, the day we tell Nat and Jessie about our crazy adventure we are going on! I can't quite express how scared I am. I know Nat inside out, I know she doesn't want what she thinks will be pity. Ah. Maybe this wasn't a good idea? I don't want her to think just because I paid for it that I pity her, I don't. I'm worried for her health, she has no time to her self. Ever. She's constantly on the go, and it's having a serious affect on her, I don't want her to go back, not after being so strong to stop. So she deserves this. And when we go I will be the one who takes on Jessie as my responsibility so Nat finally gets the time she needs with Tris to relax.
'Brad, wake up! We have loads to do today. It's Jessie's birthday. Wake up' I begin to shout and sing to him.
His eyes begin to flutter open.
'I wouldn't be so tired if you didn't wear me out last night' he smirked and winked at the same time, I couldn't help but giggle.
'If you get up now then you can expect more tonight' I climb on top of him, kissing his neck before kissing his lips. 'Now get up'
I jump of him as I head to the bath room to get ready when I hear him grunt. 'Arg your such a tease'
I hear him jump out of bed as he tripped up which led to him shouting 'fuck'
I continue to laugh as he makes his way to me in the bathroom. I look to him in the mirror as he wraps his arms around me, slowly kissing my neck before saying 'this adventure will be the best thing for us. I can't wait to go and spend every second of every day hanging with my bestfriends and my number one girl'
He continues to hold me as I move my head back to the crook of his neck, leaning the back of my body to his chest. Moments like these are perfection.
Phone call from Nat
'Hey mads, thank you so much for picking Jessie up today. I have so much to do organising her birthday cake and decorations'
'Your welcome Nat. I will see you once I've picked her up'
'Alright thanks Mads see you later'
With that we both hung up. A few hours went by and I have everything sorted. Me and Brad decided to drive to pick Jessie up as we had her present in the car and we couldn't carry it as she would see what it was, it is only a simple personalised teddy. But hey she loves to cuddle. We got the present before knowing we were going away but I guess she can just take it with her.
'So Mads how are you going to tell them?'
'I thought I could put the tickets in her card and give her that'
'Yeah good idea, do you think Nat will be okay with this?'
'I hope so' he seemed to sense my nerves as he place his hand on my thigh, before giving me a reassuring smile and then looking back to the road.
We get to her school and we walk in to meet with her teacher before taking her home. As we walk in Jessie comes running over 'Aunty Maddie' I hold her tightly 'go to uncle Brad while I speak to your teacher'
She sets her eyes on Brad and goes running over, he picks her up in a tight hold and swings her around in circles.
'Shes happy to see you, she's been excited all day'
'Aw so have I, have you managed to get the work together?'
'Yeah everything is in this folder, it should cover everything she is doing for the year, please work through it with her each day'
'Okay thank you and yeah of course we will make sure we do'
'Enjoy your travels'
I smile as I turn to take hold of Jessie's hand. We head to the car where Brad straps her in, I text Nat to let her know we were on our way. A 10 minute drive later and we arrive at Nat's.
As we walk to the door I look to Brad, we were both nervous but so excited. We opened the door as Nat had texted to say it was open.
As we walk into the living room it's decorated in pink banners which say 'Happy Birthday Jessie' pink balloons all over the place, a big pink castle cake and all of her presents towered up. As they all shout 'happy birthday' she let's go of my hand and runs to Nat and Tris. She looked so happy.
She sits down as she begins to open her presents it was time to give her our gifts. She opened the teddy and pulled it into a massive hug 'I love it' and then came the tickets. Silence filled the room. I look at Nat who was smiling but looked so tired. As she opened the card the tickets fell out.
Nat looked at me confused. 'Why don't you read the note in the card Jessie, nice and loud so everyone knows what it is'. She nods, takes a deep breath and begins to read
To Jessie ,
Because you are so very special to us, we thought we would take you on ad... vent... ure .... Adventure.
( she struggles to read the bigger words)
So in 2 days we will fly to see some very special people. There will be a princess castle and loads princess' for you to meet. I hope you will enjoy our ad...vent...ure ...adventure to Disney land in Flo...r..I..da.....

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