Chapter 38

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Update enjoy!
*Maddie's Pov*

Last night I spent the whole night speaking to Nat and promising to help her, I can feel my memory slowly re-piecing together, its like a puzzle and I am half way through completing it.

I feel so bad, so lost as I have no memory of the others, the only one's I remember so far is Jessie, Nat and Connor. I need to work harder to remember, I need to push myself to remember. I must. It is so unfair, I feel so empty and broken, I just can't function without having the people around me in my life and me actually knowing just how much they all mean to me.

This morning I decided I was going to go for a long run across the beach, I can feel my legs slowly going weak and jelly-like, as the blood pumps so fast around my body, I can feel my own pulse throbbing in my chest. I begin to head back to the hotel when a couple catches my attention, I come to a hault as I feel a memory waving over me


'No James please' I squeal as I try to run as fast as I can across the cliff top, which I had found earlier that day, it was a diving point, meaning people could come and dive into the lagoon, the water was a deep but clear blue, It was stunning. And James is now chasing me threatening to throw me in because I sorta- might of pushed him into the water when he didn't expect it, I thought I would have more time to run from how long it should have taken him to climb back up but I was too busy laughing and he was super quick.

I feel his strong arms wrap around me, spining me around as he walks towards the edge, where I see Abby stood. I grip hold of her 'Abbs help me' she shakes her head laughing 'Sorry Mads, you know I love you though', but I tighten my grip, this time speaking to James. 'Oi Muscle man, if you throw me in, your dearest Abbs comes flying in with me' I smirk believing my threat would work but nope. Not one bit.

I see a smirk spread across his face before speaking 'Im sorry Abbs. Take one for the time. I love you'
'Dont you dare Ja-' she tries to shout but we are silenced as we are engulfed into the water. When we resurface all we could hear is everyone laughing I swim to the side when I see a hand hung out offering me a hand as I look up I see the beautiful brown eyes filled with amusement and brown wet curls swept across his forehead.'

-FlashBack End-

I gasp.




I remember James and Abby, I remember them being my best friends and the best couple. Shes my cousin. And I love them soo much. With all my heart. I remember all the funny times I have had with them and the sad.

And Brad I remember him in that memory, I remember him being gentle helping me out of the water, being aware of my fear. But I still don't remember anything else, I dont remember my love or caring or anything for him. And I begin to wonder how could I forget someone I am meant to love so much?

I quickly run into the hotel and up to our floor. I did plan on just telling them I remembered but then I thought I would have some fun with this. I knock on their door and Tristan opens it, stepping to the side and aollowing me to enter. This is when I notice everyone in the room with Abby and James.

They all turn giving me nice wide smiles. I notice James and decide to drop my bottle in front of him, making it look like an accident. He smiles and begins to bend down, picking it up and handing it back over. Everyone is now watching Tv as I say 'Thanks muscle man' everyones heads snap towards me and I just smile and sit next to Abby. James eyes still wide as he looks at me. Watching my every move.

I wait a few moments before speaking again 'Ah Abbs pass me the chips' once again everyone snaps their hands to me. Everyone had told me to call them by their nicknames or shortened names but I refused as I didn't remember ever calling them that, so it would be weird. I just smile again as she passes the chips. Everyone is wary of me now and I can't help but chuckle.

I decide on my final move, I quickly and subtly pinch Abby's leg causing her to yelp in surprise as everyone turns to look at us in confusiong. 'Ow Mads what the hell?'

I laugh, shking my head. Mimicking her exact movement that day, 'Sorry Abbs. You know I love you though' thats all it took for everyone to jump up and grap me, throwing me in a massive group hug shouting 'You remembered'

I start laughing as they release their grip. Smilling at them as they smile at me 'Yeah I remembered James and Abbs today. Isnt that great?' every one nods and before anyone can speak I open my mouth again 'Brad can I speak with you privately please?' he looks worried but stands and walks with me back to what is meant to be our room.

'Whats wrong Mads?'
'Today when I remembered them. I remembered a memory with you'
His eyes goes wide and then fills with concern as I continue to stare into him

'What did you remember? You still don't remember us do you?'
I shake my head sadly 'I just remembered you helping me from the water and being so gentle and caring. I am really trying to remember though.'
'I know Mads, Come here.' He brings me into a hug and his touch sets my body on fire sparking something inside of me. 'Im sorry I dont remember'

'You promised me Love will remember and I believe that eventually you will to, because I wont give up on you and what we have I love you and I always will.'

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