Just met

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Hope your having a great Christmas. Read a/n at end and vote comment and share! Thanks.

I lied thinking if he thought she was only gone for a couple of days he would allow it but no it only seemed to anger him. I soon realised he was intoxicated. Ugh. He began to shout but I wasn't able to understand anything he was saying. I saw the necklace that I recognised she had been wearing all day. I walked over with him still shouting and picked it up. He soon grabbed me and wouldn't let go. I tried to shake him off but his grip tightened.
I stood there as he still held me, shouting. I now knew why Lena hated home life so much with this drunk idiot.
'Let go of me you freak' I shout trying to stop him. But to be fair I didn't really care I held the necklace tightly in my hand. He took his hand from me and shouted 'give my no good daughter this and tell her never to come back' with that his hand swiftly hit across my face. I tasted blood and brought my finger to my lip to find it had been spilt.
He had now walked away and the frail looking women that hadn't said anything came running over 'I'm so sorry about him, he gets angry. Tell Lena I'm sorry and I love her'
I nodded and turned as I began to walk out, I quickly turned to face her and said 'get out before he goes that step further one day' she bowed her head as I continued to walk towards the car.
I unlocked the car door and jumped in, I turned and handed Lena her necklace. Everyone looked at me in shock as she retrieved it from my open hand. I could see Brad fists clench together.
'What the hell Mads? Why would you go in there and on you own? Oh my god your lip! Did he do that?' Brad started angry and soon realised my split lip and raised his fingers to my lips, as his tone softened but soon raised once again. His jaw tightened and eyes went wide as he tried to get out the car shouting 'I'll kill him'. I quickly locked the car doors so he had no way out.
'I don't know why I went in there but I did and yes he did to this to my lip but it's fine and I don't care Lena got her necklace and I'm fine. Now let's go I'm tired, and Brad please calm down' I quickly place my hand on Brad's clenched fist as his face softened.
The car ride was silent and I felt Brad's hand placed on my thigh the whole way, I could tell he wasn't happy but he was more worried than angry now. As we began to walk in Lena pulled me to one side. 'Mads, I'm so sorry. We just met and I've already caused you harm. Honestly I'm so sorry, and thank you I can't believe you would do that for me'
I just hugged her as we continued to the lift.
Once back to the apartment the others were waiting for us with a film paused.
'Mads what happened to you?' Tris shouted as he, James, Nat and Abby ran over to me.
'Well Lena went to get her stuff and when she came out her dad had ripped her necklace off of her and wouldn't give it back, it belonged to her grandad. Mads jumped out and went inside the house, locking us in the car. I'm not sure what exactly went on but Lena dad hit Mads and it spilt her lip but she got the necklace' Connor explained as Brad tightened his grip to my hand.
Nat giggled 'you can't help your self, you always have to help others no matter what danger your in yourself. Lena I hope your okay. We've chosen a film and decided to stay up and have all of us watch it. Are you up for that?' I just laughed as Lena replied.
'Yeah I would love to, let me go put my stuff in the room I'm staying in, if that's okay?' She looked around to Con
'I will show you, I don't want to watch a film so I'm gonna go to bed. You guys stay down here and watch the film. See you tomorrow okay. Night , come on Lena'
I smiled and hugged everyone good night and kissed Brad as I led Lena upstairs to show her to her room. We walked past some rooms and met Jessie's room. I brought my finger to my lips 'shh I just want to check Jessie' she smiles as I went in to find her fast asleep but the covers on the floor. She was shivering so I picked the cover up and wrapped her in them.
I exited the room and continued to walk through the hall, I reached my room and pointed to the room opposite. 'Thats a spare room, so you can use that for the next few days before we move on. I'm going to bed, if you need anything you know where I am. But I'm assuming your going to go down stairs to the others. Night Lena'
'Thank you so much for letting me come and for tonight. And I'm sorry for the lip. Night'
She quickly hugged me as we both entered our room, it wasn't long until I heard her run back down stairs. I chucked Brad's top on and some shorts as I got in bed and went to sleep.
*Nat's Pov*
What Maddie said to me today kept replaying on my mind. Could she really see that there's something wrong? How? Maybe I wasn't as good as I thought at faking. It's funny how Maddie can look straight through me and she knows instantly that there's something wrong without me saying a word. But the worse thing is that I hate she can do that, she knows how I feel before I do. And I knew she wasn't going to quit until I told her what was bothering me! But maybe just maybe I can mislead her.

*Con's Pov*
I was so happy that Lena was coming with us. I couldn't stop thinking about how she made me feel when she looked at me. Electricity went through my body every time we made eye contact.
We had just got back to the apartment and Mads was currently showing Lena where she was to sleep. I decided to go up and see them and speak to Mads. I got To Mads room and was about to knock when I heard Lena. 'Shes probably asleep by now, she looked so tired. We should let her sleep, let's go downstairs and watch this film they have all picked'
She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist as she pulled me into a hug.
Once we released the hug, we went down stairs to see the others. 'Im going up to Mads' Brad expressed as he stood
'Whats the point she's asleep, come on Brad just watch the film and then we will go up' James persuading him to sit back down. After 2 hours of watching the movie it was now 1 am.
Everyone looked tired so I suggested 'let's go to bed and we can have a nice relaxing day tomorrow and decide where we want to go next'
We all agreed and walked up stairs. I said good night as James and Abby entered their room first, then Nat and Tris. Me, Lena and Brad continued to walk up the hall. We reached my room that was next door to Lena. Brad entered his room saying night and winking at me.
I was about to enter mine when Lena pulled me back. 'Con... Er ... Can I ask you some thing?'
'Sure' I was slightly worried at what she had to say, as she looked to the floor and back to me
'Can I stay with you tonight? I don't really wanna be on my own' she looked to the floor as she spoke so quickly I barely made it out
'Of course I will sleep on the floor and you can have the bed' I smiled as we both entered my room, she went and got changed before coming back and jumping in bed.
'Con, don't sleep on the floor. This bed is massive, I don't have a problem with sharing unless you do?' She said loudly as I walked from the bathroom to the bed and got in
'Are you sure?'
'If I'm honest, Con I really need a hug. I've left everything I know and I'm scared' her voice began to crack
I looked nervous. She was laid on her back looking at the ceiling beside me. I laid down beside her.
'come here' I whispered almost no words escaping my mouth but she heard them.
She slowly turn and moved towards me as I held my arms open. Hesitantly she laid her head on my bare chest and I wrapped my arms around her waist. Holding her tightly, I wanted her to feel protected.
'Is this okay Lena?' Almost scared to ask
'Thank you Con' She nodded and we soon settled down.
I couldn't help my smile and my heart rate increasing. I began to drift off to sleep when I hear her voice once more 'you still have my heart after all these years' she slowly kissed my chest, thinking I was asleep. With that she went to sleep. Her words replayed in my head as I to shut my eyes.
*Maddie's Pov*
I was woken by Brad trying to sneak into our room. He wasn't very good. He tripped over twice and both times shouted 'shit'.
As he made it to the bed, not to hurt I hope. I looked to the clock which now said 1:12am. He got in and wrapped his arms around me. 'Why so late?' My voice low and cracking
'We watched the film, it's only just finished. What do you wanna do tomorrow?'
'Well I'm having that day we promised each other, I'm staying like this with you for most of the day'
He kissed my shoulder blade. 'Okay baby, get back to sleep. I love you'
'Love you to Brad'
With his arms wrapped around me I fell into a deep and undisturbed sleep.
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Sorry it's a crap long filler :(
I've not had any time recently but wanted to give you an update. In also trying to think of the best way to go with the story.

Is there anything that you think should happen?
Lena seems nice, right?
Do you think that Lena and Con should get together or not?
So what is Nat struggling with?
And where will they go next on their adventure?

Please comment, share and vote!

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