Chapter 45

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Don't hate me! Share vote and all that! Enjoy!

'That test isn't mine. Its Nats'
'That test your holding Brad, isn't mine. That test in your hand belongs to your Maddie'

*Maddie's Pov*

I had merely let the last word fall from my mouth before Tris's eyes went wide and jaw dropped, I saw his shaking hands as he looked back at the test and then back up to me. Trying to speak but unable to, tears forming in his eyes as he mutters the words 'Nat's pregnant' before he jumps from the bed tripping and hitting the hard floor before running out of the room to Nat I presume. I let out a shaky breath as I sit on the bed placing a hand on my stomach. Wondering what Brad's reaction would be.

Would he be happy? Would he be angry? He had said how he didn't want children, not yet anyway. He wanted to be carefree and young, reckless and I was going to take that away from him. Oh god. He won't be happy, I am going to have to do the hardest thing in the entire world and let him go. Let the person I love so much go, so he can be happy and live his reckless carefree life. I hear the door open and I instantly rise from the bed to be met with a crying Brad. Shit

'Br-Brad?' My voice breaks as I go to stand infront of him but he stops me by raising his hand silently
'Don't talk' his tone was emotionless, I sigh as I sit back to the bed and try to remain calm as I look at the love of my life who I was about to lose.

'I want to ask some questions okay?' I just simply nod to him as he takes a deep breath and continues 'Is it mine?' My eyes go wide as I look up in shock
'Of course you idiot. You were my first and are my only' He nods and seems to be thinking
'When did you find out?'
'So you told me straight away?' I just nod, not sure what else I could do to that question

'What do you think of this?'
'I-I think I have gained something that will be so precious and special in my life. Something that will solely depend upon me to keep safe, protect, care for and love unconditionally. I have gained someone else that will hopefully grow to love me to, someone I can share happy and sad memories with. Someone that will keep me strong and glue me back together when I break. I have gained so much' He stares intently at me and I take a breath as I continue my speech

'but I also think I have lost someone that is my world. I have lost you. The love of my life. The person I want to spend as much time as possible with, someone that protects and cares for me, who loves me unconditionally and someone I depend upon. That someone is also someone that wants to be young careless and reckless and I never want to take that away from them. You derserve a full and happy life being reckless and stupid, this is not what you want and I understand completely. I am broken at the thought of that but this special life will glue me together again and when your ready you can see them. I wil tell it about their daddy everyday. I have lost something that I will never find again but I have also gained something I would never give up'

I look up at him, broken at my own words. I knew this was not what he wanted and no matter how much he may have thought he loved me I knew he would walk out that door and leave me. As I look to his eyes they are blank, they are filled with anger and numbness, with what seems to be hiding guilt. I have never seen such a look come across his face and I hated it. I didnt want to look at him any longer. He was slowly pulling me down.

'Your right. I dont want this. I dont want that. and I dont want us if it involves that thing. You have ruined everything, I should have gone with Molly when you lost your memory that was my chance to get out and I should have taken it, she wouldn't have been so stupid as to get knocked up. Dont tell it about their 'daddy' you will only build their hopes. I will never want this. You say your broken well you broke yourself. You got pregnant and your keeping it'

I looked at him and this was the first time in all that we have been through that I was filled with anger just looking at him. I was disgusted, I felt cheap and hurt. He had just torn the last bit of love I had for him. He tore it from my chest and I watched while it tore it apart before my very eyes. I stood up shakily looking at him, my whole body was anger filled. I was furious. No. I was pissed.

'How dare you? How fucking dare you? You say its my fault,my fault. It is not my fault you didn't use a condom and it is not my fault that we both neglected the morning after pill. You are disgusting, I can't even look at you, I may be stupid for being knocked up but I was even more stupid for falling in love with you. You have just completely ruined me more than anyone else ever has.' His eyes soften at my words as he sees the tears cascade down my face.

'I hope she is worth it. I hope that whore gives you every bit of fun and reckless excitement you wish for. I dont care if you ever loved me you have just destroyed it.'

'No NO. This baby is my life now and you just disowned someone you never had the chance of meeting and loving, I will tell them that their dad was a coward, someone that never mattered. someone that just broke me and wouldn't take this ride with me. now get out. No even better I am leaving'

I dont wait for him to say anything, I stand and grab the stick from his hand, I look at it for a moment before shoving it back into his chest 'heres the reminder of what you have just given up' I rip the necklace from my neck and chuck it at his feet, his eyes go wide as he looks at the necklace, to the test then to me as I walk to the door. I grip the door handle and turn to face him 'I guess you won, you got what you wanted in the end. You well and truly played me Bradley Simpson. Thank you for the incredible new life you've given me'

I open the door and leave. Thats it. We are done. And I am on my own. With this baby. On my own.

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