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Werewolves and Ghost Riders


AKIYA came inside with a smile on his face as he shut the door. I glanced up doing my best not to move and wake Nightshade up. She had fallen asleep on my lap. I didn't want to wake her up. She looked quite peaceful.

Akiya looked at his phone with a smile.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" I asked feeling disturbed by the way he looked. He was acting strange. Akiya typically came home with a poker face expression.

Now he had this excited almost giddy look on him which just looked strange. He was the calmer of the twins. Araya was supposed to be the smiling one yet now it seems Akiya was taking it over for a little.

"I'm not." Akiya responded dropping his bag down.

"I am happy though if that's what your attempting to ask." Akiya responded as I ran my fingers over Nightshade's cheek.

"And what exactly has you happy?" I asked curious. It had to be something great. Akiya never came back looking like that. Whatever happened had to be of interest. Akiya looked over at me and then at Nightshade.

"I went on a date." Akiya responded as he began walking to his room.

"With whom?" I asked and Akiya turned back.

"Storm." Akiya responded taking me by surprise before he went to his room. He went on a date with the werewolf. I looked at Nightshade as she curled up in my lap.

Nightshade's eyes opened as she looked up at me and pushed herself up. "Did I fall asleep?" Nightshade asked and I nodded. "I'm sorry." Nightshade said as she pushed herself up off my lap.

"For sleeping?" I asked and she looked at me and nodded. "You were fine Nightshade." I told her leaning over to her and kissing her. Nightshade shut her eyes as she put her hands on my lap.

"Don't get too cheeky Nightshade, we are in the living room." I told her when I felt her hands moving somewhere else. I pushed her hands away as Nightshade glared at me before she pulled back from me.

"You should come home with me. We haven't fucked in a while."

Nightshade looked at me as she ran a finger down my chest. I smiled at her as I grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to it. "Your tempting me baby." I told her and Nightshade smiled at me as she moved over.

"That's the point. The goal is to provoke you after all." Nightshade laughed as she fell onto my chest.

I looked at her as her hands tightened in my shirt. "Do you take joy in provoking me?" I asked keeping my voice at a low whisper in her ear. There is a certain danger to being in the open like this, but I knew when to take precautions.

While Akiya and Daiki would ignore me there is no guarantee that Raiden would. And he is terrifying when pissed off. I know my limits.

Akiya I could easily take on. Daiki is my brother so he wouldn't do much. Raiden on the other hand is a much older nogitsune and this is his house.

"I do take joy in it. Your so fun to provoke." Nightshade looked up at me and smiled. "My mom isn't home either. She's visiting my grandmother. So, it'd just be the two of us."

Nightshade smiled at me as she pushed herself off my chest. "We'd have to get going soon then. I doubt Akiya will be in the mood to drive us since he's basking in his post-date feelings." I glanced at Akiya's room.

"We can walk, I'm fine with that." Nightshade pushed herself off the couch and turned to me with a smile on her face. I stood up and went to my room and opened it.

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