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// A bunch of years later //

"I miss them," Minju whispered, her head resting on Chaewon's shoulder.

"Me too. This house feels too big for just us now," Chaewon replied, running her finger through Minju's hair soothingly.

The Kims' house had been empty for slightly over a month now. Wonyoung and Yujin had moved to a different city since they both got really good job opportunities there. Wonyoung started her own entertainment company and is one of the nation's favourite singers, just like her mom. Yujin got on the national basketball team but she still needs Wonyoung's good-luck kisses from time to time. They only plan to stay there for a few years and return to their hometown after that but they will probably move into a house of their own when they're back. 

Sakura and Chaeyeon had been busy travelling all around the world for acting, modelling and dance. They were both at the peak of their careers. Sakura had launched her own clothing line. Chaeyeon was now one of the top choreographers. Her and Chaeryeong still danced together too, especially at special performances at award ceremonies.

Yulyen were feeling lonely too. Hitomi and Nako were in the same city as them but they both moved out to live on their own. Hitomi now runs a famous little bakery, just like she dreamed as a child. Nako is on the national archery team and coaches orphans for free.

Chaewon and Minju's jobs still kept them busy. Minju still had dramas to shoot. Though the Joyuriz officially disbanded, Chaewon still worked on songs with Yuri for the new groups in Wonyoung's company while Yena would help with the choreography. 

Still, when the four of them got to their houses, it felt empty. They spent a lot more time together, like when they were in college. They would reminisce about their favourite moments from their youth and often talk about how much they miss their daughters. The girls would call their mothers almost every day, but it just isn't the same as seeing them at home.


"This is where is all started, huh?" Sakura said. She was sitting on a swing in a playground she had not been to in years but still held a special place in her heart.

"Yeah," Chaewon had a fond smile on her lips, "You were so tiny back then. Just," she gestured, with her palm facing the gravel, around an area below her knee, "just this high,". It felt like it was just yesterday that little Sakura was struggling to tie her shoelaces, but now she's even an ambassador for a shoe company.

"C'mon Mom, let's go back to Momma and Wonnie," Sakura looped her arm with Chaewon's as they both walked towards the old, worn down house nearby.

Minju and Wonyoung were inside the house, in the furthest room from the entrance. They were sitting on the tiny creaky old bed, surrounding them were the faded colourful walls with cute cartoon murals. 

Wonyoung couldn't remember the room at all. After all, she was just a baby when she was in it, but she felt something about it. Sakura had a vague memory of it though, playing around there and sleeping on those small but comfy beds. They were in the orphanage that Sakura and Wonyoung were adopted from. 

Elle and Eli had passed away some years ago and in their will, they wanted the orphanage to be rebuilt as a centre of young children to have access to free classes, for the academics, sports and arts. Chaewon and Minju volunteered to fund and manage the renovation and with the help of their friends and family, they would manage the expenses to run the centre too. The project was due to start the next day. So, the family decided to pay the old home one last visit and thank it for the beautiful moments it provided.

Wonyoung moved to stand between her mothers and hugged them tight. Sakura joined in, holding everyone closely.

"Moms, thank you for giving us this wonderful life," Wonyoung said.

"We grew up with the best role models because of you both," Sakura added.

"Sweethearts, don't thank us. The two of you were always meant to be in our lives. We couldn't be complete without you both," Chaewon told them.

"We're so happy to have been able to see you grow up into wonderful young women. My two angels, we are and will always be proud of who you are," Minju said.

There were more than a few tears spilt that day, but every drop was out of happiness and relief.


Chaewon and Minju often found themselves going through their photo albums. There were a bunch of them on the shelves now, holding nearly fifty years of memories. Photo frames too, they decorated the walls. Their favourite was the one in the living room. It is a set of three frames. In the middle was Chaewon and Minju's wedding photo, on the right side was Sakura and Chaeyeon's wedding photo and the left was Wonyoung and Yujin's. Yeah, they were getting old. They had strands of silver hair and some wrinkles here and there. A lot had changed in their lives. They had grown up and learnt so much, and they did it together.

One thing did not change though and that was the love they have for each other. There were ups and downs. Times of celebration and loss. Moments they laughed and moments they cried. But through it all, they had each other. Their love had only grown stronger and never once did they leave each other's side, never once did either of them falter. Besides each other, they shared their love with two other little girls. 

Love is not only a romantic feeling between two people. It is also the protection and care for one's family. It is also the funny moments spent with friends. It is also the kindness and respect you show to all people, regardless of their background.

It's there everywhere. You just need to look hard enough.

Love, it really is a special thing.



hi there! it's been a while. the response to this fic has massively exceeded my expectations and i really wanted to do this to show my appreciation. this is kinda wild. thank you sooo much. i never expected this many people to like my writing.

i was planning to quit writing fanfics entirely since i know i could not commit to regular updates and don't think i will be coming up with long fics like kimkim's kids anymore. however, i do have a book of one-shots now so i hope you will give that a chance. 

my second semester of my first year is starting next week so i'll be busy again but i will try to write something from time to time. i feel really encouraged now.

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