VI. Big Sister, Little Sister

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The weather was particularly wonderful that day. The morning sun bathed everyone outside in warmth as the gentle breeze playfully tousled their hair. It was one of those days where no matter how terrible of a morning you had, there would be a smile on your face.

Chaewon and Minju had just dropped off Sakura at school and agreed to surprise the little girl later. Hopefully it won't be a bad idea. 

They entered the orphanage and were greeted by some familiar faces. Most of the children recognised them, both from TV and seeing them at every one of the orphanage's events. When news spread about two celebrities adopting a child from the orphanage, there was an influx of donations and volunteers. Especially after Yena and Yuri adopted Chaeyeon. Eventually, all the attention died down but a few familiar faces stayed to help and with a little more financial help from Chaewon, Minju, Yena and Yuri they could afford to renovate and provide a better home for the children.

"Hello girls," an old man's voice echoed from the corridor. Eli wheeled himself out of the room to give both of them a warm hug.

"We really appreciate your help," he said sincerely and led them to the room Madam Elle was at.

Chaewon and Minju looked at each other and intertwined their hands before slowly entering the room. Madam Elle was seated on a chair next to the baby girl. She was just wearing an oversized t-shirt and a diaper and was engrossed in the toys that surrounded her on the mat. She was giggling happily at one of the stuffed bears that made funny noises when she noticed the two new strangers. Instantly, she looked panicked and crawled towards Madam Elle, gripping tightly onto her ankle.

"She'll get used to you girls soon," Madam Elle reassured the pair.

Chaewon smiled at the baby but the small figure turned away and hid behind Madam Elle's leg. It was a silent few minutes of the pair trying to make eye contact with the baby. It didn't work but Minju had an idea. She sat on the mat the baby was at and started playing with the toys by herself. The shy baby girl finally looked her way with her big doe eyes, watching how Minju had a wide smile on her face. Slowly, she crawled closer and closer to Minju until they were playing together.

"Chae, come on," Minju called out to her softly, almost a whisper so that she doesn't startle the baby. Chaewon carefully took a step forward but the baby girl noticed and froze. Chaewon took a step back but Minju asked her to come forward again. Minju started making funny faces to distract the baby while Chaewon joined them on the mat. Soon, the baby didn't mind that Chaewon was even there. She even sat on Chaewon's lap while they played with stuffed animals.

They hadn't spent much time together yet but the girl seemed to have become attached pretty quickly to the both of them. She sat comfortably on Minju's lap while Chaewon took the guitar from the corner and sang some songs. She started dozing off as the songs got slower. Minju stroked the baby's forehead gently with her index finger and soon, she was fast asleep in her arms.

Minju didn't take her eyes off the baby for a while. Admiring every feature of hers. Chaewon looked up and stared at her wife's soft smile. The smile that melted her heart when Minju nervously confessed to her years ago. The smile that she got when she proposed to Minju. The smile that the cameras have never seen. The smile that has only been seen by Chaewon and Sakura. It was the smile that was reserved for her family.

Minju pointed to something hanging around the baby's neck. It was the gold necklace. She carefully picked it up and turned the pendant around to see the baby girl's name.

"Wonyoung," they both said simultaneously, a soft smile on their lips.


Minju sat in the backseat with baby Wonyoung while Chaewon drove to Sakura's school. They reached just about ten minutes before dismissal. Yena and Yuri excitedly approached their car just as the two got out of it.

"Can we see her?" Yena whispered to the Kims.

Minju put her index finger to her lip, an important precaution considering how loud and chaotic Yena can be, and slowly opened the door. Yena and Yuri melted at the sight of Wonyoung sleeping peacefully in the car seat. As if on cue, Wonyoung's eyes fluttered open. Panic flooded her eyes for a fraction of a second when she saw new faces but she quickly calmed down after seeing Minju standing by the door.

A few minutes later, students came running out of the school and towards the parents waiting by the car park. Sakura and Chaeyeon ran to them with huge grins plastered on their faces, both of them giving big bear hugs to their mothers.

Without wasting a second, Chaewon got down on her knees to Sakura's level and said, "Kkura, we have a surprise for you,".

Sakura's face lit up and she jumped up excitedly, "What is it? What is it?".

Chaewon got up and carried her as Minju stepped away from the door to reveal baby Wonyoung. Sakura's face became brighter as she saw the big doe eyes stare back at her.

"Say hello to your baby sister. Her name is Wonyoung," Minju said softly.

Sakura got into the car to get a closer look at her sister. Surprisingly, Wonyoung wasn't fidgeting around the older girl but was staring at her with curiosity. Sakura dangled her finger over the baby's face and the adorable bundle grabbed immediately with her little hand making the older girl giggle, "Hi Wonyo," she cooed.

Chaewon leaned her head on Minju's shoulder while they watched their two daughters bond for the first time. Yena held up Chaeyeon so she could see the baby as well.

It was perfect.


A/N: hi! i wanted to pick a day to update weekly but i realised that sometimes i'm too busy so i don't get the opportunity to write and other times i have loads of time. so i apologise for the random updates. i have yet to start school even so i can't imagine how i'll manage my time after that.

i would really really love to change the cover of this fic but alas, i do not have enough time (or creativity) to come up with one so please bear with the lame one for now.

the chapters i write will probably always be short, that's why i want to update more often. i hope that's alright. thank you for reading!! seeing the replies to the last chapter, i'm glad i didn't quit writing :)

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