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Well ok. Since you guys seem to want it so much. I guess I'm doing another book. A sixth book! (This should be fun.) What? I didn't say anything. Enjoy the chapter!!



Sky's P.O.V
I look at Mitch. So he got hurt this bad for me? That's bad. I place my hand on his chest. My eyes turn white. Mitch suddenly grabs my wrist. My bad wrist. Why not the one that's on your chest?! For pekes sake. Pain shoots up everywhere. Mitch looks at me.

"Mitch let go of me please." He looks at my wrist. He lets go.

"Sorry Sky. I didn't know." Mitch said. Of course he didn't know.

"I know that you didn't know. It's fine." He sits up.

"You healed me why? I thought you got your amulet back." Mitch said.

"I did? I didn't notice it." Mitch laughs. 

"Thanks." Mitch said. I can't believe that Ace was a traitor all along. I would have never suspected her. 

"Your welcome. Come on." We leave the hospital. We go in the Meeting Hall. They look at me. 


"I'm still confuse. Ace was a traitor?" Jason asks. 

"What?!" Ghost asks. I close the door. I have to explain this to them. 

"I was confuse at first too. Ace was only here to get to me." 

"That makes sense." Ty said. Ever since she came I couldn't think straight. I know why now. 

"Ever since she came, I couldn't think straight. There was always something else that was happening. My amulet was acting weird since she showed up." 

"Weird how?" Tay asks. I don't know really how to explain it. I look at Ty. He knows some of it. 

"You weren't joking at the temple were you?" Ty asks. He thought I was joking? 

"No Ty I wasn't. James had the amulet. All he needed was Ace back. But he couldn't get her since we were protecting her. So he thought that taking me was going to work. He let me go when he realize that it wouldn't. When I found you four. Ghost was controlled. I put a dart in her to stop her." 

"So you did put a dart in me." Ghost said. 

"Remind you of anything Ghost?" 

"Yeah, so I guess I deserved that." Ghost said. Yeah she did. She did it to me a while back. 

"Anyway Ty took Ghost. James was talking about how he didn't need the amulet. Ace showed up. She wasn't controlled. She was there by her own will." 

"But Sky Ace wouldn't." Ghost said. I understand why James told Ace to get close to us. He thought it would get in our heads when we find out she's a traitor. 

"What?" Tay asks. 

"I just realize something. The only reason that James would want Ace to get close to us is because he thought when we figure out she's a traitor, it would mess with our heads." 

"Cloud our judgment. Throw us off our game. That was why Ace agreed to be with us." Ty said. 

"The worst part was when she called him Dad." Ghost looks at me. 

"But she said that her parents didn't want her. But why would she be with Ron if she was with James?" Ghost asks. That doesn't make sense. The others start talking. They are trying to figure this out. Why would Ace be there if she was working with James? I put my hands on the table. This reminds me so much of that night. When Herobrine turned on us. When my mom was still alive and then died in front of me. I suddenly see her on the table. I get it. They wouldn't do that. I back up. They are going to turn it on. My eyes widen. They wouldn't dare. It's all clear now. I need to go back at that temple. Kitty looks at me. 

Secrets: Book 5 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now