I take a deep breath and start walking the same direction Chad did. Unfortunately, out of the two directions he could have gone, that was the direction Lucy went as well. When I turn the corner, I don't see anyone so I panic and start running down the hallway. Frankly, I have no idea where anything in this place is so I run around blindly for a few minutes before hearing a pain-filled scream coming from a few doors in front of me. Oh no, am I too late, has Chad already gotten to them?

When I reach the door, I realize I can't look in because it's closed and there is no glass to look into. To solve the problem, I change my form and open the door as soon as possible. Chad is trying pull his sword out of a dead man's body. Even though I just killed a dozen, this makes me have the urge to puke, and I do. It seems I caught the attention of everyone in the room by doing this, including Chad, Lucy, and two other men. "Hey, you! Where did you get those clothes?" After Chad pulls his sword out, he starts to walk very threateningly at me.

"Huh? What do you mean? These are my clothes." He apparently doesn't like the answer and grabs my collar to shove me up the wall like he always does. He hasn't changed one bit. "I know who owns these clothes. He is dead! I killed him myself. You must have stolen them off of his corpse. Hell, you must've stolen the corpse itself. I wanted to have a little fun stabbing it." A look of horror makes its way onto my face. Has this guy gone bonkers? Why is he so hung up about me?

"Get off of her!" A body smacks into Chad's. Lucy manages to swipe the sword out of his hands and tries to stab him with it! Sadly, he overpowers her and throws her into a wall. "Lucy!" When I try to run towards her, I get blocked by Chad. "You're coming with me. Someone else can deal with these weaklings." He roughly grabs my arm and tugs me out of the room. He continues to pull me straight out of the building and into a group of humans.

"I thought I told you to kill all of them on sight!" A man clad in silver armor angrily walks up to Chad and I, and I slightly freeze in fear again. The fear is not only caused by how many human soldiers are staring at me in hate powerful Chad is. Hasn't it only been two months? He just threw Lucy into a wall like it was nothing! When I checked Lucy's status, she was level 52 and all of her stats were around 10,000. How could Chad possible be further than that?

Name: Chad Edwards

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Human


Lvl: 18

Exp: 83/180

HP: 108,130

SPD: 22,923

STR: 25,951

DEF: 23,356

INT: 22,058

MP: 22,491

Affinities: Heavenly

Skills: [Adept Charisma], [Heroic Slash], [Moderate Commander's Guidance], [Natural Born Leader], [Sword Spear]

Titles: [Cheater], [Hero], [Leader], [Liar], [Skilled], [Stealer]

I am blown away. How does being a so-called hero allow someone to become this powerful? Why should that ever be allowed? "She showed up inside the building, but look at how shes dressed." The man stares at me in contemplation for a moment and then something clicks. "I'll let you heroes decide what to do with her." Chad tightens his grip on my arm and jerks me forward to a different group of humans that I immediately recognize as my classmates. While we walk over I decide to count and confirm that all of them are here.

"Listen up everybody! As you can see, this little fox girl has clothes like the ones we had a few months ago." He waits for everyone to look at me and I can feel their gazes hammering me down. "If you haven't noticed, these clothes belonged to the one of us who didn't cut it. This thief obviously stole these clothes from off of his dead body. I have brought her here to discuss what we should do with her."

"Kill her like all the others!" "Make her our slave!" "Let's abuse her!" Various shouts are heard and none of them are good. "Alright, alright. I'm going to tie her up and we can deal with her tomorrow, it's already getting late." I look at the sky to see that it has truly darkened. I am yanked again by Chad and tied to a flag pole that I guess has already been changed to the Human's one. I never even got to see what the original one placed there looked like.

Once I am left alone I try to change my form but find that I can't. I also try to use the shadows but that also doesn't work. "What's going on? I can't use any of my skills!" I hear laughter to my right and when I look over I see one of Chad's goonies, Derek. "I have a skill that is blocking all magic and skills from a single person as long as some of my stats are higher than theirs. Unlucky for you, I am a hero and each one of us gets a bonus in how much our stats go up every time we level up." I glare at him. "I don't care. You're no hero of mine." He laughs again and starts to walk away. "We'll see how you feel about that tomorrow."

This is hopeless. I am captured and at this point, Lucy and all the others might be dead. I can't do anything to escape or help or plead my case just because I'm a different species than all the others. However, as the night goes on I overhear a frustrated sigh. "I'm sorry to inform you that this war is not over yet. That damn kid. He let three of them just leave and instead brings us one girl with weird clothes. He's not the only one to blame, at least a third of this entire city escaped before we could cleanse our continent of them."

My hope immediately skyrockets. If I could somehow manage to escape, I could meet back up with them somehow. My thoughts are interrupted and I immediately recognize the voice. "You're planning something aren't you?" I look to my left and see Beck staring at me. "Of course not! How could I? My skills are being blocked and there are dozens of humans here." She sighs. "Look I don't know why you're wearing my best friend's clothes, but you have the same accent my classmates and I do. I can tell you're not just an ordinary fox girl. I'm going to help you escape. I'll distract Derek and you'll be able to do whatever it is you need to do to get out of here. Good luck."

She leaves and I am speechless. Does she know who I really am? Is that possible? I can tell she has changed since we got here since she is no longer stuttering. I decide to hold onto the thought for later and try to change my form. After a few minutes, I am suddenly a fox which startles my momentarily but I am free of the bindings so I dash for the trees. I run along the border and go to the back of the C.M.B.A. There has to be a plan for exactly this kind of occasion. I stop as I suddenly smell the familiar scent of uncooked meat. I go towards the smell and find the meat behind a bush with a coin on top. This has to be a sign from Lucy and I see why when I spot a single footprint pointed deeper into the forest. I decide to go the same direction it points as it's my only real clue.

2107 words

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