Chapter 21: Sera!!

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I was walking through the not-so-crowded halls to my next class, just minding my own business as per usual, glancing outside of the window when all of a sudden a familiar blonde-haired ass knocked into me causing me to stumble backward. But just as I tried stabilizing myself with my other foot, I failed to notice the puddle of a spilled drink right below me making me slip.

"W-WHOA-!" But before I could react a warm hand grabbed mine as the other wrapped around my waist stopping me mid fall.

Snapping my head back in front of me, my eyes widened at the sight of Arlo looking shocked too, just staring at me. He snapped out of it and pulled me up on my feet. Quickly unwrapping his hands from mine, before turning away with an embarrassed and flustered look on his face.

And me being out of it, I felt my cheeks heat up from the unexpected gesture. Stuttering a bit as I thanked him.


He coughed a bit, clearing his throat.

"Watch where your going next time, who knows what would have happened if I didn't catch you"

The boy said, muttering the last bit of his sentence as I just nodded my head. Proceeding to walk in the opposite direction away from him, he suddenly call out to me making me turn around with a hum.

"Crystal". He said with King's tone. 

"What is it? " I asked as I watch his eyes trail down to the floor, he hesitated for a moment before he looked me in the eyes.

"Did John...mention anything to you or Sera about...What happened?" He asked me, I noticed a hint of nervousness as he said that. 

"What do you mean?" 

Arlo was about to say something but quickly closed his mouth then walked away.

"Never mind" he slightly shouted out the last part as he continued walking away.
For some reason, as he started walking away, he looked somewhat nervous, but I don't know why. A thought then suddenly came to mind. My eyes started glowing a bright gold color meaning I activated my ability, then started going inside Arlo's mind trying to read his thought. Hey come on, I was just curious as to why he asked me such a question. My eyes widened slightly as I found out what he was thinking just now before quickly deactivating my ability "As long as I do what he wants, no one finds out"

I thought for a moment, trying to recall anything John said to me about Arlo, then all of a sudden I remembered something. 


It was right after Sera and I hanged out when I decided to text John about what happened to him. 

Hey John 

Hey Crystal, what's up

I was just gonna ask you about what happened earlier


John I know it isn't just normal, I got beaten up by some students. Tell me what really happened.

...It's really nothing Crystal, you don't have to worry too much.


That was all I texted before shutting my phone off, tossing it to the side then lying on my bed while hugging my pillow tightly to my chest. I had my suspicions before but I still wasn't sure, what I do know is that Arlo is involved in all of this somehow I just don't understand how. I thought before allowing my sleep to finally take over me.

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