Chapter 30: Be careful Sera

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•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙SAME DAY•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙

"Why did you drag us out here again Isen?" The pink-haired queen narrowed her eyes at the orange-haired in front of us.

"Great question Remi! Well, I just wanted to try something that's all." We raised our eyebrows in confusion.

And what would that be exactly?"

"Oh, nothing much except for this-! hahahaahah! I got it!" And before I could react Isen grabbed my freshly heated hashbrown out of my hand.

"Hey! Give me back my hashbrown Isen!" I glared at the orange-haired boy as he grinned at me, inches away from eating my beautiful hashbrown.

"Don't you dare!" I exclaimed in a dark tone as he felt a shiver run down his spine.

"And what if I don't? What are you going to do? Hit me?" He mocked. I clenched my fist as my blood began to boil. While I was about to give the boy a taste of his own medicine, the two royals sat on the ground chuckling at our behavior.

"Let him have it, Crystal!" The red-haired Jack shouted out to me as I smirked.

"With pleasure" My eyes glowed a bright gold color as I activated my ability. No one's outside so I guess it's fine to use my ability just this once.

In one swift movement, I closed my hand, and a big iceberg emerged from the ground trapping the orange-haired boy. I smirked at this as he struggled to get out.

"Hey! No fair! I haven't had a bite yet though!" He whined loudly making me chuckle.

"That's the point! You shouldn't take something that's not yours." I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice as I snatched my hashbrown from his hand.

"Oh? I wonder what Arlo would have said about that-!" I snapped my fingers making the iceberg turn into an igloo.

"You know what I change my mind, you can stay in there for a while," I said before deactivating my ability, turning around, and began walking towards the other two.

"Hah! Serves him right!"

"So that's all that it takes to shut him up huh."

I look down at my wristwatch. Lunch is almost up we better go back inside. I look up at the two.

"Well I guess we should head back inside, lunch is almost up"

"Oh yeah! I still have a class presentation to do!" Remi exclaimed as she dashed back into the building, with Blyke trailing close behind her.

"See you later Crystal!"

"Yeah bye, Crystal!" They both shouted out as they disappeared into the halls. I then began walking with my arms behind my head. What should I do now? Maybe I should skip class today, I swear listening to those boring lectures would be the death of me! And I already learned the topics before so I suppose there's no harm in skipping.

As I began heading towards the roof I began hearing some murmurs and whispers grow louder and louder as I made my way further into the corridor.

"Hey did you see what happened earlier?"

"Yeah! It was so crazy! I bet news about this reached the press already!"

"That girl was really asking for it when she tried attacking Seraphina."

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