CH: 8 - Truth & Grievances

Start from the beginning

Quite creepily, the old crackpot always seemed to know who was outside his office.

But it didn't fool Severus. He knew beyond doubt that Dumbledore had many ways of doing what seemed impossible. Frankly, the man has more secrets than students. Someone truthfully more suited to Slytherin.

Wood groaned, and hinges squeaked softly as the doors swung open, forcing Severus to close his mind off to the heavy grief plaguing his mind.

Just as he'd decided to begin breaking the truth to the Headmaster, unexpected guests seemed set on making him wait.

In one chair, a tired and aging werewolf sat, looking underfed and distraught as usual. With brown hair ragged and gray.

Standing off to the right of Dumbledore stood two identical red-headed menaces, bearing teasing faces to conceal their worry. And for a second, Severus's irritation wasn't fake.

To the left of the office stood most of the remaining members of The Order; Moody, McGonagall, Tonks, Bill, and Charlie. Whom to Severus's dismay looked quite uncomfortable.

"I dare say we're glad to see you back in one piece," McGonagall said with a stern face and soft voice, betraying the stoic witch's attempt to seem unbothered about the situation.

She'd been one of the only people in The Order who disapproved of his less than safe side career, serving up quite the storm when he denied her advice to cut relations with The Dark Lord permanently.

Over the years, she had become a close confidant to Severus. They'd often stumble upon each other's private quarters after a particularly trying day for tea and quiet conversation.

She was the one Severus was worried about most. There was no telling how she'd react to the horrid fate of her lion. Her reaction to Harry Potters's abduction had been the most heartwrenching, and she hadn't stopped inquiring about him since.

In comparison to McGonnogal's stoic face, the rest of the members seemed less inclined to disguise their fearful expressions. All except Dumbledore, who appeared to be attempting a jovial expression, with sparkling blue eyes and a lemon drop, no doubt sitting in his mouth.

With a beckoning hand, the Headmaster waved to the only open seat, which happened to be next to Remus.

"Please, Severus, do sit down. Would you like a lemon drop, tea perhaps?"

Severus sighed in mock irritation and adjusted his robes so he could sit. "I will pass, thank you. I do hope you remember why I have come?"

Dumbledore swatted the air above himself playfully and took a sip of tea before poising his fingers in front of his face. And if his years of spying were worth anything, Severus could swear that the blue-eyed man looked almost worried.

"Of course, of course, just a moment Severus. Are you sure you wouldn't like a cup of tea?"

"I do believe I've answered that question already. What I would like is for you to explain why you seem to have garnered an audience for a private meeting?"

And just like that, the sliver of worry present on Dumbledore's face seemed to melt away. Whether because he was no longer worried or because he was acting. Severus couldn't quite tell.

After a few seconds of silence, Dumbledore began to speak. This time to address not only Severus but the entire room.

"Ah, well, you see, The Order thought it was only fair that these meetings became official Order meetings- now Severus, calm down, my boy. You must realize that it is within their right to request such a thing..."

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