CH: 6 - Nightmares, Conclusions, & Resolutions

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Void nothingness was one of the ways to describe the place Harry found himself drifting in. Endless black space was the only thing surrounding him. Smothering and yet soothing in its emptiness. Quiet clung to the expanse, a heady silence that held the gap in its fragile hold.

He hovered in the heart of the void as if held up by a dangling wire. Attached to nothing at all, he floated in blank space. Bright stars shone brightly in the distance. Thousands of twinkling phantom lights burned endlessly, like torches made to guide lost souls.

It was strange. But the void felt like a loving embrace of a mother. The only hug Harry could remember.

Rationally he knew he'd once had a mother who would have loved him while she was alive. But what did it matter if he couldn't remember it? Imagine it on lonely nights and picture it with the soft smile of a mother. Though it's not like he'd never had a hug before, that was impossible.

It was so dark, yet so calming, and invisible voices in the black void seemed as if they were speaking to him. Like a gentle lullaby, urging him to stay, stay where he could always be safe.

It was so simple. So easy to stay. The choice just so very tempting, to be shielded by empty oblivion and so much barren silence.

How peaceful it would be to remain in nothingness forever. Never thinking, never hurting, never existing. Just blissful nothing for eternity.

He felt as though he had forgotten something, but the thought wouldn't come to mind. What did it matter if he stayed here anyway? Nobody would miss him.

His parents, dead.

His friends, well, he didn't think he had any of those. So what did it matter?

Being alone wouldn't mean so much if the pain didn't exist after all.

The darkness continuously clung to the boy, coaxing him into the quiet. It was so soothing; that he wanted to sob with relief. He could now, couldn't he? Nobody was there to mock him for showing weakness. Nobody would hurt him so they could give him, 'a real reason to cry.'

But like all good things in the green-eyed boy's life.

It didn't last long.

Within moments, the darkness morphed, changing from blissful emptiness to a place filled with dark energy. A room where nothing but hideous memories formed to revolve forever inside the boy's head. Like a tape loop filled only with pain and misery.

The very thought of the memories made the young man shiver.

He didn't want to be back. Not now, and not ever.

He'd rather die.

The floor was freezing; cold drifted up to his legs with a noisy draft. And he could feel manacles around his wrist. Holding him up and making his feet dangle above the ground. Leaving him almost able to touch, yet not. A cruel and familiar form of torment.

He was supposed to be free from this place. So why was he back? It didn't make sense. Yet he knew it to be true. He could even hear the sound of biting wind rage against the barred windows above him, the sound of ugly, scared rats scurrying in the distance only set his resolve deeper.

He was back. But why in Merlin's name was he here again?

Did the world hate him that much?

His family was already cruelly ripped from him. He couldn't even remember their faces. They only remained as blurred images that would float around the expanse of his mind, taunting him in their obscurity.

And for years, fate forced him to live with relatives who hated his very presence. And God's did they make sure he knew it. They hated the mere idea of him breathing the same air they did.

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