Start from the beginning

"Is there a point as to why you came up here to talk to me?" The woman asks with a roll of her eyes.

Blaise glares at her. "Yes there is, actually. Coach G. doesn't allow us to play dodgeball, he says it's not safe an—"

"Coach G. isn't here, is he? I'm the teacher right now, meaning that you listen to me. Now go back to your little friend and leave me the Hell alone."

Blaise opens her mouth to snap at her, but decides against it. She doesn't have the energy to be a bitch, she's just too tired. So she sends the woman one last glare before stomping over to Saint. The substitute blows her whistle and tells the teens to go on opposite sides of the gym. She explains the rules of dodgeball in a monotone voice as she lines up balls in the middle. Once she's done explaining and ignores the raised hands, she walks back over to the bleachers and blows her whistle, signaling the start of the game.

Saint moves quickly and grabs a ball first, running back to his side and chucking a ball at a tall boy whose still trying to get a ball. Blaise doesn't move from her spot, her eyes barely staying open. Saint watches as the boy curses and walks over to the bleachers before he grabs another ball and throws it at a girl. When he gets her out, he looks over and sees that Blaise is sleeping while standing up. He chuckles to himself and catches a ball that was thrown at him, getting that person out.

Someone throws a ball in Blaise's direction, but Saint is quick and catches the ball as well and throwing it at the boy who threw it. Blaise doesn't even twitch in her sleep at all of the commotion going around the gym, too tired to care. Besides, Saint is blocking all of the balls for her. At some point, while Saint is too busy calling someone out for staying in even though he caught their ball, one of Bellatrix's friends throws a ball at Blaise. Right when Saint notices that the ball is hurling towards her face, he's too late.

A millisecond before the ball hits her face, Blaise catches it with one hand. Her eyes flutter open and she looks at the red ball in her hand. She looks up to see Bellatrix and her friends gaping at her. Blaise snarls and chucks the ball towards the group, but since she just woke up her accuracy is off and she hits a random student in the back.

"Who the fuck threw that ball at me while I was sleeping?!" Blaise yells. The look in her pale green eyes is downright murderous.

Oh crap. Saint thinks to himself, forgetting all about the cheating student he was just yelling at. Saint never understood why people called Blaise mean and scary, but looking at the glare on her face now, he gets it. Her doe-shaped eyes are hard and narrowed while her defined arms are flexing in anger. She looks like she could rip someone's head off right now.

The girl that threw the ball at Blaise runs over to the bleachers, seeing as she's out and scared out of her mind. Bellatrix steps forward confidently, even though she's shaking on the inside.

"That's just the game, Blaise. No need to have one of your famous tantrums," Bellatrix says snottily.

Blaise catches a ball that isn't even aimed at her and chucks it Bellatrix, catching the girl off guard. The ball hits her square in the face, causing her to fall back on her butt. Bellatrix cries out and holds onto her nose.

"You bitch! You just broke my nose!" Bellatrix screeches.

Blaise smirks. "That's just the game, Trixy. No need to have one of you famous tantrums." 

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