..Come Back Anytime, Mura-san..

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Chapter Seventeen

After dinner, the Midoriyas and Shigaraki had moved from the dining room into the living room. Much to Tomura's dismay, but Inko's encouragement and motherly persistence to  move the boys and get them all to the couch; where to Izuku's  horror, she opened a photo album and began, like most moms, to show off pictures of her child and explain the story of each one to someone else. She had been talking on and on to Tomura on her left, while Izuku on her right tried desperately to convince her to do something--anything  else.

"M-Mom, I doubt he really is that interested. . ." Izuku tried to tell her politely, but Inko totally ignored him, and payed her attention to their guest- Tomura Shigaraki, who sat there, his chin in his hands as he listened to the older woman talk about her precious child. He just sat there, obviously uninterested, but Inko didn't even notice as she was lost gushing about Izuku's fifth birthday, the first time he went trick-or-treating, and when he was accepted into UA. Though at the picture of Izuku standing by UA, probably when he was accepted and looked pretty recent as it was at the last page of the album, Inko started to tear up--shock to both males beside her, and even caught the attention of Shigaraki.

"M-Mom?? What's wrong?!" Izuku immediately asked, putting his hands on her shoulders.

The woman sniffed, wiping her eyes and smiled weakly. "I'm just glad. . . that this wasn't the last picture I took of you. ." She said quietly, kissing her sons forehead.

"Last picture?--"  Tomura thought to himself, though his thoughts were cut off when Inko shut the photo album and smiled at the both her son and him. She got up, happily and gently putting the book back on the shelf, but also noticed the time on the shelf and how late it was getting. "My, is that the time already? Mura-san, do you have a way to get home?" She asked curiously, looking over her shoulder.

"Yeah. My feet." Tomura replied sarcastically, causing a small laugh from Inko. She put a hand to her cheek.

"Oh of course! Though if you're planning on walking back, if it's not too far, why don't you bring Izuku with you? He always walks his friends home from school, and I would feel bad if you brought him all the way here, but had to walk back alone.." She suggested, leaving Izuku wide-eyed on the couch. He was home! Safe! He was so close to getting rid of Tomura from here, but instead his mother had to offer him up like some sort of escort!

"U-Uh. . w-what?" 

"It's settled. Izuku dear, go get your shoes on while I give Mura-san some leftovers to take home. You can get the dishes another day."

"W-wait--" Izuku couldn't even agrue, as his mother already made her way out of the living room and disappeared into the kitchen. Izuku let out a long, tired sigh, his shoulders sinking.

"I don't need you to come with me. You would only annoy me the entire way, and besides, I don't need you knowing my location to rag on to All Might or whatever." Tomura stated, breaking the silence as he stood up, walking over by the genkan and reached down to grab his shoes, though he paused. He almost took Izuku's shoes by mistake seeing as they looked similar. Tomura paused, changing the direction his hand was reaching for, and picked up his shoes carefully. "So stay here." He told him, putting his shoes on and opening the front door.

"But..." Before Izuku could say anything, Inko came back in. She dragged the green-headed teen to the door and handed Tomura a small bento box wrapped and tied in a blue cloth. "Here you go. You did such a good job helping I thought you should have the rest." She piped up, smiling at the undercover villain. "Izuku! I told you to get your shoes on!" She fussed, causing Izuku to scrambled to get his shoes on as told. 

Tomura let her give him the box. His eyes watched carefully as Izuku came over by his side, ready to go. Otherwise he knew he would simply get in trouble later for it. It was fine! He would probably just walk a small distance; like to the street, wait awhile, then come back inside. Tomura would like that too, right? Most likely Izuku thought.

Just as Tomura and Izuku were heading out the door, someone had grabbed Tomura's sleeve, causing him to quickly glance behind him. "What is it?" He asked , sounding snappy, but the woman didn't even notice, or care.

Inko smiled a bit. "I just want you to know, as Izuku's mother. . .I'm very grateful to you."

"....?!" Tomura paused, then looked back at her.

"You see," Inko began. Izuku was walking , but had stopped and noticed Tomura still at the door of his apartment, seeming to be talking to his mother about something. Midoriya couldn't hear, but he wasn't sure if he should move over closer or not, and ended up standing a bit away as he waited.

"My son was kidnapped by the League of Villains not so long ago. . r-right after. .he started attending UA. ." Inko told Shigaraki in a soft, saddened tone. It was clear to see it was still affecting her, and she was trying not to cry. 

But something felt twisted in Tomura's chest. Hearing those words- it felt uncomfortable.

"I was so worried. . .even though he's training to become a hero, he'll save people. . but I can't help but wonder. . .who will protect him- who'll  be my son's hero?.. " She asked quietly, holding her hands to her chest. "But. . I'm glad to know you exist- because, if I may request of you, to protect my little boy?  I know he's so grown up. . but he's still all I have, and he doesn't deserve any terrible villains to take him or life away-- his dream is what's important to him. .so please Mura-san, could you keep an eye out for him?" She asked, looking up with pure hope he would.

". . ." Tomura stood there dumbfounded, but after a second. . 


"What are they talking about? What is Tomura nodding to?" Izuku muttered to himself, furrowing his brows. "God, I hope he's not up to anything. . " The student watched as Shigaraki came over and began to walk, down the staircase to the bottom floor to leave.

"Um. . what were you talking about? I have the right to know. " Izuku stated suddenly as they were leaving the apartment complex. Tomura ignored him and continued going the direction of, well Izuku wasn't sure where they were going.

". . .I'll just ask her myself you know." Izuku sighed to himself, tired of dealing with the other, The feeling was almost mutual between the two. They just didn't know yet. Well, that's not important, so let's pay attention to Tomura-- who had stopped in his tracks for a second, and looked over his shoulder.

"Just know one thing," he said , he pulled down his hood with a dry hand, and looked Izuku in the eye. Their eyes met- and it didn't take long before Tomura spoke up when he noticed Izuku was going to question what it was

''You're my  hero, brat, and don't need to go around saving others. Be selfish. .do whatever the hell you want and save yourself.. '' The villain trailed off ina low mutter, his eye broke contact with Izuku's, and Tomura looked down. Did his statement mean more than it seemed? Tomura's way of telling Izuku something? This sharp twist in his chest. .was the feeling of growing. . guilt; of taking Izuku, for the reason we have yet to learn why, was truly selfish of Tomura. For the apprentice of All For One had felt something, and was able to tell himself what he felt when he heard Inko's words--it was guilt for taking Izuku. . .

And began to hurt his heart.


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