..The Past...............doesn't mean anything..

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Chapter Nineteen


Why did I decide to kidnap Izuku Midoriya? If you've been paying attention, you probably think its because I want to impress my master or make him proud. I guess that's true. I'm loyal to him, after all, he's the one who took me in. But no- this story has nothing to do with him. He isn't my motivation for having to do anything with Midoriya.

My reasons are known to me alone.


A hazy summer. That's how Tomura would describe the day he first met Izuku. It was quiet, except for the cicadas in the background; Japanese sun was bright, everything was blurred in memory now. Kids were playing at a park across the street from where a blue-headed boy sat. He looked between starved and half-dead. Even though he didn't know what he looked like since he hadn't seen a mirror for ages now. This boy was dangerous nonetheless. He sat there cross-legged, hands placed upside down in his lap. His red eyes were lazily focused on watching those kids over there play.


He didn't bother going over there. If he did, he most likely would hurt one of those kids. Then the police, or worse, the heroes would arrive and Tenko would be thrown away somewhere.

Isn't it funny how several heroes had passed a young boy, alone and hurt, dirty and tired, was sitting here in a crammed spot between two buildings, yet the heroes didn't even bat an eye at him? Not that Tenko would accept their help. But maybe before he might have, if he didn't learn to hate them so much afterwards. Being by yourself really helps you think clearly after awhile. Even for a ten year old boy. He knew heroes were just as messed up as the rest of the world- they were frauds- all of them. They acted like they were so much better, that they were symbols of hope- especially that one guy. It was sickening. They did whatever they wanted, they had dirty hearts that were tainted with despair, desires, motives, and really, what different were they from villains? They stuck their noses up at everyone- and Tenko was proof of that.

For awhile now, Tenko had been watching these few kids bully and pick on another one. The victim had green hair and looked maybe two to three years younger than him at most, but his face was hard to make out from a distance, so Tenko couldn't get a good look at it. After a bit, the bullies left and the greenette was left alone, crying in a sandbox. 

The blue-headed boy didn't feel bad. No, not at all. Maybe this other kid would learn now that it was pointless trying to play hero. That card never worked in this game of life- it was just a false idea that people do things for others, when in reality they just want power and status. 

"He deserved it." he muttered under his breath, staring at the crying boy from afar.

For a few days Tenko didn't see that kid after that day. Then he would see him again, then again the next day. Eventually he realized this kid must have come on a schedule; he came after around three to early evening, so maybe after school and his parents were at work he came here to wait. Tenko noticed while he was watching the other boy, he saw the he cried a lot. Often a blonde kid seemed to pick on him, but Tenko didn't know what the reason that was for. He didn't care much, either way. Once he saw a young woman with matching green hair come to the park. She left with the boy, so she must've been his mother Tenko figured. The mother and son walked away, hand-in-hand. Tenko watched, staring at those held hands, a connection humans made, how parents led their beloved children, and a feeling of warmth could spread through their bodies as they smiled. . . . . .and felt safe and loved. 

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