..Meeting with Shigaraki.. (again)

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Chapter 14


"Haa...haa... I... haa.. came. . " Izuku panted to Shigaraki. The greenette hunched over on his knees as he caught his breath- trying to catch relief,  beads of sweat rolled down his hot and exhausted body, his hands shakily holding his kneecaps as he fell down onto his knees in front of the villain who stared down merciless at him. He tried to catch his voice, but his throat was dried out like he had been shouting, but it was really just from all this sudden exercise he had been thrown  into in a rush. Sure, he was fit and well trained, but he still got tired-- especially without stretching or bracing himself beforehand. He stood in front of the blue-headed male who had his arms crossed as he watched Izuku stand back up straight and wipe his brows.

"You took your sweet time." He retorted back in his usual slightly raspy tone, his bored, unamused, nasty glare tore holes into Midoriya. Tomura was wearing black slacks with a matching black hoodie, red sneakers, and no socks. Actually this is really all what Tomura wore. Maybe he didn't have any other clothes? 

Izuku's Mental Notes on Tomura Shigaraki. No.2

Shigaraki may not change clothes rarely, if ever because it would be nearly impossible to not disintegrate the clothing with his fingers. Therefore he stays in a suitable outfit that helps him not catch attention. And why he doesn't bother with socks. If changing is that big a hassle, are there other little things that could be seen as weaknesses?

Both the villain and hero weren't in any intimate situation at the moment- if you had gotten that impression earlier in the beginning. Actually, Izuku had finally arrived at the park after school as was told that morning from Shigaraki. Now that Izuku thought about it. .

"How did you know my phone number?" He asked more seriously, furrowing his green eyes brows as he took another deep breath. The teen hero didn't looked pleased. If anything, the longer he was around Tomura, the more he was nothing but a pawn the villains had captured, the more easily frustrated Izuku was getting these days.

"Because I do, brat. Why do you ask so many annoying questions?" Tomura questioned in response, carefully putting his phone back into his pocket. He was holding onto it checking the time for awhile until Izuku arrived. 

"If you have my phone number, why do we need the communicators?" He asked bravely, seeming irritated. And now Shigaraki also looked like he was starting to get pissed off.

"I said your questions were annoying." He stated and turned around, starting to walk to a more secluded part of the park. Not that many people were here this time. It was getting late evening, and the sky was turning pink and purple. "Hurry up."

Izuku stared at back, pursing his lips. "So the communicator is some sort-of tracking device. That means he knows where I live. . .That means Mom could be in danger. Hopefully he thinks I live alone."  The younger male followed slowly, and carefully, after Shigaraki. After all, last time he met up with him at this park, he was set out on a dangerous mission that he really wasn't expecting. And he wasn't sure on Shigaraki's idea of training  anyway. How did  villains train? It was probably more ruthless and hardcore knowing Shigaraki, who would most likely want to see Izuku pass out on the dirt.


Izuku was walking along behind Tomura until they were about to pass the park's public restrooms. The greenette adjusted the duffle bag he had over his shoulder, and began to walk inside. However, just as he had barely stepped one foot inside and opened the door, Tomura immediately caught notice, whipping his head around and snapped at him.

You're My Hero, Brat (IzukuXTomura)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora